Yasaburō sanctum. An ancient Sith

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The battle for the planet Tao rages on.

The Rebel Forces and the Yasaburō clan managed to draw the Imperial forces that tried to flank their forces with a Pincer movement, but Han notices that and warns the Rebel commander to turn left while advice to Luke's Rogue Squadron to do an aerial incursion that destroys their walkers with tow cables and forced the battlefield into a stalemate

Meanwhile, Lop and Maris Brood, accompanied by several Commando Droids, infiltrate the old Yasaburō spiritual home. They advanced and noticed something extraordinary. An old Pyramid from the times of the Old Republic

Maris says - I understand. This is a Sith temple underneath the Yasaburō stronghold -
Lop says surprised - That's impossible!-
Maris says - Not necessarily. The Jedi Temple on Coruscant was built on top a Sith pyramid from the times of the Old Republic. -
Lop asks -How do you know that?-
Maris says -I studied some holobooks about an explorer who was obsessed with Force knowledge. An ancient Jedi Master from the High Republic called Dagan Gera. Apparently he wished to build a Jedi Temple elsewhere due to that fact-
Lop asks - Was he successful?-
Maris responds -According to the people of the Hidden Path, yes... in a way-

They entered the temple, unaware that they were being followed by Ochō and two Purge Troopers

The place was riddled with obstacles that could only be overcomed by master and apprentice

Maris says - This place somehow honors both Jedi and the current Sith order. Only a master and an apprentice-
Lop then says - Then we have a work cut out for us-

Lop and Maris managed to negotiate the obstacles and traps within the structure while Ochō was following them not far behind.

Meanwhile, elsewhere. The Imperial Forces and the Rebels were in a stalemate, forcing their respective commanders to negotiate.

Luke presented himself to Carzy Zing. A Jedi and an Inquisitor trying to speak terms about the battle's outcome

Crazy Zing sensed something special about Luke and said - The Force is strong with you. You could be an upstanding Inquisitor -
Luke responds - And you've shown restraint by calling negotiations despite the Empire thinking of us as anarchist or war criminals. You could be a great Jedi-
Crazy Zing says to his aide - Bring us something liquid -

As they continued speaking about a ceasefire settlement, elsewhere, Maris and Lop managed to reach the inner sanctum of the Yasaburō hidden pyramid.

When they entered the sanctum, they noticed a red humanoid being, stashed in a Kolto tank. The man in question had the Wayfinder that they were searching for. 

Lop could sense the individual's link to Koichi Yasaburō, the famed Hero of Tython. She browsed in the man's mind and figured out his identity. It was none other than Darth Scourge, former Sith Emperor's Wrath from a bygone era and companion of Koichi Yasaburō

Lop says - This man is a Sith Lord -
Maris says surprised - What the Kark, another one?! -

The Force compelled Lop to release him from his suspended animation

Scourge draws breath for the first time in centuries.

He asks Lop and Maris - Who are you? Why are you disturbing my slumber? -

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He asks Lop and Maris - Who are you? Why are you disturbing my slumber? -

Maris says - We came for the Wayfinder that you're holding in your hand -
Lop shows him her lightsaber and asks - Remember this? -
Scourge asks -Why do you have this?-

Out of nowhere, Ochō appeared with her Inquisitor Lightsaber ignited and says - Because she stole it from me-

Scourge says to Lop and Ochō - I sense my friend Koichi in both of you. How is that possible?

Lop says - Because she is my sister and I'm here to save her- as she deploy her lightsaber, ready to duel her sister

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