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"Okay these rituals are far more than just daily affirmations." I said flipping through the book that I had picked up. "I could just return it and take the easy route where I go out for a few nights. That would calm Natalie down." I muttered to myself. I flashed back to her handing her number over to Trevor and I couldn't bring myself to go back there while he was still working. Especially to return one witchy self-help book for another. "How bad could this be?" I asked myself as I flipped through the Guide to the Aether. I shook my head wondering what in the world I had bought. I had grabbed this one because it looked so similar to the first book that I had, and I hadn't wanted Nat to be suspicious. I had just wanted to defy her without the lecture that I was sure would have come with me not getting the book that she had wanted me to get to help me.

I was aware that my actions could be viewed as self-sabotage, but that wasn't a worry that I had in the moment. I had assumed that it was just going to be a spiritual book about another realm, but the more that I flipped through the pages of this book them ore it felt like spell work, and the one thing that I knew about spell work was that it rarely worked to read the steps out of a book and expect results.

I took a deep breath and tossed the book to the other side of my bed and just sat there staring at it. I had only glanced through a few of the pages in detail and it had been like trying to read a language that you were still learning. It was like the words were translating just a little to slowly for me. But the book was written in English. I shook my head and wondered if this was what it felt like o had dyslexia. Everyone said it was like the words came off the page. Dyslexia is hereditary right? I knew my grandfather had it, but I never took the time to get tested because it had never bothered me until now.

I glared at the book for giving me such trouble. "If I could just read you and all of my problems be solved then that would be great thank you." I said to the book. It did nothing. It was just a book. It wasn't about to answer me. I sigh and shook my head, The problem wasn't the book, it was me. I was the one that had left everything that I had ever believed behind and then decided that I would just teach myself about other belief systems until I settled on one that felt right only to never feel like I belonged to another religion. I took a deep breath.

"I guess I don't know what the Aether is." I said to the book. "I had assumed that it was another term for the Nether world." I shook my head and reached for the book. "Didn't really seem like you were agreeing with hat when I was glancing through you before."

I flipped through he pages, all of which were giving me trouble. It was like every single one of the pages were twisting their own words so that I couldn't make heads or tails of what it was saying. Near the back of the book I finally came across a page that wasn't as difficult to read.

Demon bound: How to connect with demon kind and free yourself from the confines of the role your soul was assigned in this life.

I blinked, confused by my sudden re-ability to read. I don't ever remember my grandfather complaining about his dyslexia coming and going at random before. I shook my head and read over the ritual. It seemed simple enough. The worst part was having to spend every night sleeping in a cast circle, but there was nothing saying that I couldn't cast the circle around my bed. You had to sleep like that from full moon to full moon for the full effect, but surly it wouldn't be too bad if I was able to get my bed set up in the middle of it. I looked up and saw that the sun was starting to drop behind the horizon. If I was going to do this I was going to start it tonight. Of course I had to find this book on the night of the full moon. It was probably for the best. It didn't give me enough time to think it through and talk myself out of it.

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