☯ Desires and deceptions ☯

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Baseer yawned as he woke up, sitting upright on the bed.

He glanced over to where Zara was sleeping peacefully beside him.

She stirred and purred in her sleep, causing him to chuckle.

Despite her being an arrogant dumb bitch, she did look cute when she was asleep without any pretenses.

"Sultan......." she muttered in her sleep.

Baseer scrunched his face in disgust, then got up and walked to the bathroom.

He returned with a bucket of cold water and splashed it on her sleeping figure.

Zara shivered and gasped, feeling the cold cutting through her skin as she glared at him.

"You son of a devil! Why did you do that?"

"Now that's not a good way to greet your husband early in the morning."

"What do you want?"

"It's 9 am. Wake your ass up and make me breakfast."

Zara whined and gave him a death stare as she reluctantly got up to freshen up.

Baseer sighed and decided to check his guns.

As he was inspecting his assets, he suddenly noticed a big black smoke coming from the kitchen.

"Fire!" Zara screamed. Baseer face-palmed, realizing he had married a walking trouble.


Mishti was playing with Abid in the porch, delicately trying to feed him breakfast when she noticed a sleek black police car pulling up before their mansion.

She was taken aback when she saw the figure stepping out of the vehicle.


Vishal Khargay, the renowned officer entrusted with handling the case of the infamous Sultan Emad Khan.

Criminals trembled at the mere mention of his name.

Not a single case had escaped his meticulous scrutiny.

As he caught sight of her, he removed his sunglasses with deliberate slowness, his gaze fixed on Mishti as he stepped into the  domain of the Khan Mansion.

"Mishti? What brings you here?" His inquiry left her bewildered.

Memories flooded her mind, causing her eyes to mist over unknowingly.

Vishal couldn't help but be captivated by the sight before him – watching her transformation from a maiden into a woman.

"It appears we have an unexpected visitor."

Mishti shuddered at the voice that rang out, signaling Sultan's approach with measured steps.

Abid toyed with Mishti's pallu end, oblivious to the tension that bristled in the atmosphere.

Sultan scrutinized Mishti's face, noticing the beads of sweat glistening on her forehead.

His gaze then shifted to Vishal. "I thought only I knew you. But it seems my wife is acquainted with you as well. Isn't that right, Mishti?"

Mishti let out a gasp, avoiding his piercing gaze, silently urging Vishal to keep her secrets concealed.

Vishal was stunned by Sultan's reference to Mishti as his wife.

Sultan:Her Wanted Husband (18+)✓Where stories live. Discover now