13. Idk what I should write here

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Kokushibo: Night Nakime

Nakime: Night Koku-san!

Urami: Night is there any coffee?

Kokushibo: I just put the machine on so it will take a while

Urami: Ok

Urogi: Night old man and everyone else!

Nakime: Night Urogi did you sleep well?

Urogi: Yes!

Kokushibo: Nakime can you please take bones off that human?

Nakime: Sure!

Kaigaku: Night dad and mom

Kokushibo: Night Kaigaku

Nakime: *He didn't even notice?!/////*

Kaigaku: Can i help?

Kokushibo: Yeah

Karaku: Night bird buddy!

Urogi: Night!

Aizetsu: Night everyone....

Daki: Oni-chan come on almost everyone are already up!

Gyutaro: Im coming im coming....

Kaigaku: Night Daki and Gyu.... Man what is that in your face?

Gyutaro: Daki wanted to test her make ups on me🥲

Kaigaku: Sucks to be you!😂

Zohakuten: Night. Has anyone here seen Han?

Urami: No he isn't here!

Zohakuten: What a shame...

Douma: Night Nakime-chan! Would y-

*Head flew off*

Akaza: No you aren't taking her on a date!

Douma: That was not nice... OH! What about you Akaza-dono? Would yo-

*Head flew off*

Kokushibo: Enough Akaza....

Akaza: Yes yes!

Douma: 🥲

Mini Hantengoku: Night everyone...

Nakime: Night Hantengoku Zoha is looking for you!

Mini Hantengoku: He is?

*Waddles away*

Gyokko: Night

Douma: Night Gyokko-kun!

Kokushibo: Nakime are you ready?

Nakime: Yes!

Kokushibo: Good leave me the rest then

Nakime: Ok! Kaigaku let's go put the table ready!

Kaigaku: Yes!

Daki: What is for breakfast?

Kokushibo: Human bacon and eggs

Urogi: Yesssss

Gyutaro: I'll go wash this make up off...

Daki: Ok!

Urami: Koku coffee is ready

Kokushibo: Could you bring me some? Im stuck...

Urami: What do you mean?

Kokushibo: I can't cook or do anything if Urogi is trying to steal the food.

Urami: But you have two arms?

Kokushibo: Yeah, but Urogi technically four!

Urami: *sight* I'll bring you coffee then

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