Best Book Winner

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Last but not least, our final category for this year's Winter Awards and also the most difficult category to judge and decide: Best Book! We are always amazed by the original stories you craft every year for us to read and enjoy. The extensive research, artistic writing styles, and deep characters never fail to blow us away.

We end our Winter 2023 Awards with the winner of the Best Book category...




To Steal a Weeping Widow by BritishGravity

To Steal a Weeping Widow by BritishGravity

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"BritishGravity presents the world of art and exhibitions in such an expert way that it immerses us into the world they have built. Every character serves a purpose to the story and is not afraid to have a story of their own; the plots add to a well-thought-out painting, the characters are fantastic subjects, and the delivery is incredible. Congratulations!" 

"I love the mentions of famous missing paintings at the beginning of every chapter. It adds a real and credible touch to the world this is set in, along with all the amazing descriptions of every art scene and every museum exhibit. I feel like I'm physically touring the place whenever I read this. The story isn't finished yet, but I'm already having guesses and suspicions in my head about who the thief is; it's like watching an actual mystery/thriller movie and placing bets on the grand reveal!"


Once again, finalists, you all did an amazing job. Please do not be discouraged if you did not win because this says nothing about how incredible you all are. You each have so much potential and there are numerous other awards books getting started for 2023; we highly recommend entering into as many as you can while they're still open. For those who would like to receive their scores/feedback, please private message us.

[FINISHED] Winter 2023 AwardsWhere stories live. Discover now