Chapter 1

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Since the beginning of time, man and woman have always kept the flame of love burning strong, and after years and years, the flame remained the same until ten years ago. A war broke out, a war of love. Women would find there husband's cheating on them, and women got so broken that they came together and decided that no one should ever be hurt by a man again. Strict laws went into place, saying one must have the high majesty give approval of all couples and marriages.

                         *Present day*

"It's not fair, how come I can't date a boy without some ass holes approval!" I yelled in frustration.

"It sucks but I've given up at this point. Every time I try to get the approval, I get denied," complained Lunar. Lunar had been through many failed attempts of approval to the point in which they have just about given up on approval.

"But it's not all that bad, I heard that in other countries they don't have this stupid thing, we could always go there."

"Nah, I would have to renew my passport, and that'll take forever," I claimed as I peered through the window, looking beyond the horizon.

As we were walking the dirt path back home, we came across Sir Rivver.

"Good evening, Sir rivver. Lovely day, isn't it?

"Indeed it is Mrs. Krispy" "And my my, if it isn't Lunar, how are you doing dear?" Sir Rivver asked.

"I-I'm good, h-how are- how are you?" Lunars words broke like glass on a highway whenever Sir Rivver was listening, I always wondered if it was because Sir Rivver was of higher power amongst the ghouls.

"Are you two enjoying the warm weather summer has to offer, I know I am," Sir rivver asked

" Yes, it is very nice this time of season."

"It's also the perfect season for moonlillies to bloom," Lunar said, knowing those flowers were rivvers' favorites.

After saying our fair wells and continuing home, something clicked in my mind, I turned to Lunar and asked,

" Hey, isn't that annual ghoul festival coming up in a few weeks?",

to which they responded," Oh Satan, I completely forgot! I'll see you tomorrow, Krispy. I got to get home and find something to wear!".

I've never seen such a small ghoul run so fast in my life.

"Mom, I'm home," I called. As Oxxie, our hell hound greeted me at the door.

"Hey, kiddo, look who stopped by!" Mom said as she called me to the kitchen.

"Hey there, kid, what's up?" it was Madam Cinder.

"Oh hey, It's great to see you again," I said as I greeted her with a hug,

"Yes, oh do you remember your old friend stone?"

Cinder asked, " Of course I remember, he used to live a few houses down left. Why?"

"Well, he is hosting the ghoul festival this year. Isn't that wonderful!"


Madam Cinder and mom were talking for a while as I was playing with Oxxie when there was a knock at the door. "Hello? Who are you?

"I'm a friend of your mother, Stratus, her mail got mixed in with mine again."

I hadn't seen this ghoul before, yet mom acted very strange towards him.

"Well, thank you for handing me my mail. Now leave before I call the police.

"Please just hear me out -"

"I Dont want you near my kid, not now, not ever!" mom cut him off. I'd never seen mom so upset and aggressive towards another ghoul.

"Krispy, kiddo, could you please go to the kitchen with Madam Cinder?"

"But -"

"Krispy Elizabeth Ghoul, you will go to the kitchen this instant." As one would, I walked to the kitchen and sat down in the stool next to madam Cinder. After all, I was just full-named by my mother.

"Who was at the door?" Madam Cinder wondered

"I don't know" I responded

"Tell me what he looked like"

"He was tall, had dark eyes, and.."

"And what?"

"...a cracked mask"

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