Snake grrrr 😡😡😡😡

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Lloyds Pov (I suck at writing character pov ☺️)
Alright.. I just need to terrify the villagers, Then i can scavenge for food! Flawless plan darklys will have to regret kicking me out! I thought happily, I practiced my evil laugh. "Mwahaha!" My voice echoed off the sad excuse of a "cave" i call a home, "Good enough-.." I spat to myself, My eyes trailed to a can of "Nuts" i smiled grabbing it before making my way out of the crack in the stone wall i was "living" in behind the fountain, "Mwahaha!" The echo from off the fountain made my voice sound deep and terrifying,
The villagers screaming in fear was music to my ears "Mwuahhaha!" My laugh bounced again, I started walking out. Lighting casting my shadow as large as a house, I heard a familiar metal Shing! Oh my oh my! did the darklys teachers find me? Do they want me back? Do they think im my dad? I thought warmly before fulling coming out from behind the fountain, My eyes adjusted to the light as i saw.. FREAKING MOTHER OF.. Not darklys but annoying color coded ninja-.. i scowled before hopping onto the fountain to make myself seem bigger, "Townsfolks! Fear me for i am son of lord garmadon, Also give me candy or else.. Ill release the serpentine on you!" i shouted from the fountain,
"Watch out folks, We'll take care of this.. Kid" The earth ninja came onto the fountain grabbing me by the hood of my hoodie, Making my neck uncomfortable. "What protector you are.." I scowled teeth bared. "Yeah yeah kid, I- Really don't care. You cant be scaring townsfolk like that, Let alone steal from them" He scoffed, I struggled against his grip, This is useless where are we-.. "Holy crap, You taking me to a candy store!" I said joyfully, I earned a amused glance from the ninja. He stopped in-front of the store! But he's? He jumped up and hung my cape off the sign, placing coins of the table buying candy.. "I- YOU JUST MADE ME YOUR NEMESIS!" I shouted as i struggled, The struggle led me to stabbing my back with a sharp nail on the sign "OOUCH!" I yipped, "If you want candy, just buy it" The fire ninja stuck out his tongue while eating cotton candy.. My stomach rumbled and my eyes pricked tears from humiliation and the pain of being stabbed, Its just stuck in there. I cant move at all or else it will get worse..

Timeskip brought by Star (Star is not reliable for any bowl cut orphan robbing you)

I got down.. No help whatsoever, sure i have a big scar down my back but.. Im down, Im walking though the Iceland's. Maybe the tales of serpent humans was real.. or maybe a distant dream but i had to push on, i still need to prove myself. I thought bitterly, I kicked some snow pile before yelping due to my foot hitting something, i dug through the pile abit more my hand feeling something that resembles the shape of a? Lever. In the middle of nowhere? Hmm, I pulled it slightly. The ground shook as 2 jaw like doors opened.. Under me, Lloyd son of garmadon and apparently bad luck. I slid down a slide which, through the fear of hitting ice spikes was pretty fun not going to lie! I flung off, Landing of rough ice with a grunt, It echoed as i kept my ears peeled uncovering them from the mess of my hair. Slithering? I thought and i looked at a spike "Losssst kid ~sssss~?" I heard a voice say, I jumped and looked behind me. A hooded snake with hypnotic patterns and dizzying red eyes "Woah! Mister snake your eyes are like mine!" I looked into them, Which made em smile? Interesting maybe this kind of serpentine take pride in there eyes? I don't know though. His eyes did start moving. Making me dizzy, Quite dizzy. I ducked and could swear i saw a beam of light bounce off the ice spike back into the eyes of the snake? After that it made him shake before bowing to me, "Your wish is my command young master~sss~?..." He stoped, "Lloyd!" I eagerly said "Well, Master Lloyd.. Ssss, Your wish is our command." he finished "Our?" I squeaked before looking at all the snakes slithering and walking, Maybe the tails were a snake hierarchy thing, No clue. Anyways "This is perfect." I said before wickedly smiling, Those pesky ninja wont see this coming..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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