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The woman waves a goodbye at the retreating people "Thank you for the wonderful preach!/See you again on sunday Miss!" were heard from the crowd as the she continues to wave with a kind smile on her face. "May God bless your kind souls."

(Name) Kanjeon, A wonderful Christian woman. Standing at the height of 6'5 with below shoulder length h/c in a messy man bun, strands of bangs over her glasses. Her outfit consisting of a dirty white shirt with a blue blazer, whilst her bottom part of her body she was wearing a light brown dress pants paired with a belt and loafers.

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"What a great day it is

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"What a great day it is.." Said the (Name) while walking out the church. She decided to go to the city for the rest of the day.

Deciding where she should go first she sees a crowd reeling in the corner of her eyes. Curious of what was happening she decided to go there. While walking towards the crowd she feels eyes on her looking the her right she sees men and women blushing at her figure.

Brushing off the the eyes of her she notices a gelled black hair guy with a brunette behind him currently trying to hold him back to what seems a short chubby guy. Startled a bit remembering they were the people who was at the church last sunday. She remembers their names being Zack and Mira? Gritting her teeth slightly she shoves the people away for her to make way to the black haired boy.

"Ephesians 4:31-32 NIV
31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice." Zack looked away from the chubby guy looking where the the voice was he looked up to see the tall woman before him with her hand in her pockets.

"Remember that verse huh, Zack lee? Im hurt seeing you dont remember the lesson. Even with your girlfriend Mira over here." Looking down at him she sees him frozen in his place.

"Ah Miss Kanjeon! Im so sorry for his behavior! He had make a mistake with his thoughts!" The brunette said bowing at the tall woman before them. (Name) looking over Zacks shoulder she saw mira bowing. "Do not fret for he has just had bad intentions with rage. Please do stand up." (Name) said smilling at her, looking back at crowd behind them clapping her hands "Stop filming for this is a bad way to react to this aggression. The Lord watches every action you do." she says while slightly narrowing her eyes behind her glasses. "Now go on with your day you filthy excuse of a people."

The crowds quickly disappears from the order not wanting to get scolded from the pastoress. She gives a hand to the chubby boy who was watching her every action with admiration, quickly taking her hand he speaks" Thank you very much for this Maam!" the black haired boy said bowing at her with a blush on his features."Do not bow for I just showed a humanely action take place." the h/c haired woman looking down at him with a soft smile. Looking up the short guy looks at her smile, once again a storng blush sprung once again on his ckeeks. "My name is (Name) Kanjeon pleased to meet you. May I know your name sir?" Shaking his hand throwing the boy off his daydream he quickly shakes his head and introduces himself "M-my n-name is Daniel Park its nice to meet you too maam!" the taller of the two smiles taking her hand back slowly. "Well continue on with your day. God bless your soul." "U-uh yes y-you too!"

Turning her back at him he walks to Zack and Mira. She sees their heads down she sighs walking to them "If you two think Im disappointed in you both I am, but do not let a little scold ruin your day." She says as she cups both of their faces with her two hands. The duo blushes furiously as they feel the warmth of the h/c-ette's hand. Them in an instinct they do not say anything but only nodding their heads with comical steam goes out of their ears. The taller woman chuckles at the action letting her hand fall back towards her own body, she pats them on the head saying her goodbye's.

Welcome to my first ever book I have ever written. Im sorry if there is any grammar mistakes and making this prologue short on the next chapter is a description of (Name) or 'You' in general in this story.

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