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› ‡ ('Hi') thoughts ‡‹
›‡ ("Hi") Speaking ‡‹
›‡ ("Hi" ) other language ‡‹

Your POV:

I made Jane dismiss my employees after it was time to go home I quickly finish up paperwork and pack up for the day, while dismissing my assistant.

I arrive at my bedroom in the apartment not bothering to change out of my clothes i stand up quickly right after laying in my bed for a bit. I decided to eat out rather than make my own dinner.

No one's POV:

When (Name) entered at a random restaurant she was quickly lead to a booth in the corner.

After ordering her desired food she was now waiting for her food to arrive, sensing that 3 other poeple have now arrived and was now seated next to her booth. Not wanting to seem like a weirdo she chose to not look at their direction. After she heard them done ordering her food after, saying a little prayer she glances at the people beside her.

She sees a man with slicked jet black hair wearing a black tuxedo with.. black tinted sunglasses 'Hm, maybe I shouldn't judge.'
Then she sees who the black haired man was talking which was a man having dyed blonde hair who was wearing a grey tuxedo  and sunglasses 'Him too?' lastly she saw a woman with long black hair who was wearing a white under shirt with a black and white blazer and dress pants.

(Name) stood up from her seat after paying her meal also asking for the waiter to compliment the chef for the delicious food. She feels eyes on her back, most likely the people who were seated next to her. Ignoring the looks from her she now walked out of the place.

A little bit later she went to a convenience store open, she chose to buy some items before returning to her apartment, looking inside she notices a sign that was written 'On a bathroom break' she sighs and waits outside.

She hears some noise in a alleyway near the store she goes and checks it out. Looking at the scene infront of her she sees a skinny short guy trying to hit a chubby guy, remembering the chubby guy being the one who she saved a few days ago in the middle of the city. Sighing she speed walks towards them grabbing the goons collar who were laughing their asses off the scene infront of them

Gulping at the tall woman who was easily lifting them up. "Oya, Oya, What do you think you're doing?" she speaks in a singsong manner. Not wanting to meet her gaze she notices this and lets them go. "Now, now, run off somewhere and dont go on hurting other people, yeah?" they nod multiple time before dashing out of the alley way.

Kneeling down to their height a bit she ask "Are you two hurt anywhere?" checking them both, the two males could only be in awe as she looked like an angel who was sent down to save them. Not liking the silence she claps her hands she removes them from their trance. Not noticing the pari of eyes watching the scene unfold

After a while and buying some items she's now facing them"My name's (Name)" sending them a smile as she reaches something into her pockets."Heres my number, call me if you're in trouble okay?" leaving the store the chubby cashier also known as Daniel as he introduced himslef earlier along with Jiho.

Time skip

No one POV:

(Name) parked her car in the parking lot as she reads the sign 'THE TENTH J-HIGH FEST
TOP' she puts her hands in her pockets as she walks towards the entrance, her current outfit consist of a button up with the sleeves rolled up, black ankle pants, a rolex watch, and her glasses while her hair was up in a low ponytail

She knows she was onky to meet the principal but cannot help but wander off to the highsvhool festival, smilingnat such liveliness of shops and mini games to participate in.

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