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Nellie woke up, already hating the day

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Nellie woke up, already hating the day. She sat there for a while just thinking. She wasn't ready to move. She didn't want to move but she had to. The girl finally decided to get ready for the day.

Today she wanted to hang out with her friends as much as she can. It was only 9 in the morning and her mom said they will be leaving around 5:00.

Once she got ready for the day, she left her room to check on her brother. She knocked on his door and she opened it a little to see Cody.

"Hey, Cody. How are you?" He turned to look at his sister.

"Okay." He closed the last box of his stuff. "So do you know when we are going to see our friends?"

"I think after we finish eating breakfast. So let's go!" The two kids left the room. Once they made it into the kitchen they decided to eat cereal.

Nellie grabbed the cereal while Cody got the milk. There wasn't much in the kitchen. While they were eating, they looked around the seeing how empty it was.


The two kids were walking to the park. Cody and his friends were going to probably hang out at the park and the slushy place near the park. Nellie was going to have a picnic with her friends.

Once they made it to the park, they saw Cody's friend but before he left Nellie stopped him. "I'll call you when we have to leave, okay." Cody nodded and went up to his friends.

She texted her friends to see where they are. She saw them near a tree. She ran up to them. "Hey!" She sat down near Katie and Shawn.

"How long have you guys been here?" She looked at the food, it was all her favorites.

Bella looked at her friend. "We got here a few minutes ago. So are you nervous?" They all have been trying to avoid talking about Nellie moving but they couldn't today.

The brown haired girl looked down. "Um... yeah. I mean how I'm going to make friends? I will probably be too nervous to speak." Nellie is known as a shy person.

It was easy for her to make friends since she knew some of them since kindergarten and her friends introduced her to the others.

The short haired girl looked around to see someone missing. "Where's Livy?"

Luke picked up his phone to see if she was almost there. "She getting something. It's a surprise, okay? But she almost here... she right th-"

Livy jumped onto Nellie's back. "Please don't leave us... but mostly me?" Livy was Nellie's second friend she ever made and they have been friends since kindergarten.

She sat between Katie and Nellie. The blonde girl had a box. "Here!" The girl handed her the box.

Shawn leaned near his friend. "We made it so don't expect something expensive."

Nellie looked at her friends. "Do I open it now or.." they all nodded waiting for her to open it. She opened the box to see it was another box.

She looked at her friends. "Is this a joke?"

Katie gave her friend a look. "Open it!" She opened the box which she thought it broke since the side fell but she looked at it again to see photos of her and her friends.

There were some old and new photos. In the middle, it had a message. To Nellie, please don't forget us and everything we did together. "Aww!" Was all that escaped the girl's mouth.

"So you like it?" Katie asked.

She nodded. They got into a group hug. They stayed like that for a while. "Can we eat now?" They all sat back down.


They hung out for some hours. When they finished eating they decided to go to the arcade then mini golf and more.

She met up with her brother back at the park. "I can't believe you're leaving in just a few minutes." Bella put her arm around her friend.

"I know. I still can't believe I'm leaving. Once I leave I don't know when I'll come back?"

"You better come soon," Shawn told her. "There is your brother." He pointed at Cody.

She turned back to see her brother. "You ready to leave?" He nodded. Before they left they said their goodbyes.


It was time to leave. "You got everything?" Nellie's mom asked. She nodded. The place was empty.

She went inside the car. She didn't know how to feel or what to say or do. She felt like she lost everything. She lived there since she was a baby.

She decided to put her headphones on since it was so quiet. She looked at his brother. She knew he was sad but he didn't like talking about it. None of them didn't, they never talked about feelings.

The next thing Nellie knew she was on a plane. That was when it finally hit her. She actually moved away from her friends.


This was horrible but yeah.
Anyway I don't know if I'm going to publish this so if I do hope you like it.
Bye luvs
871 words

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