Chapter 7: Thoughts Under The Blue Moon

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It has been a few days now since they decided to repair the village home. They even helped Hank heal his ankle before he could continue his quest with the others. When Hank was healed, he decided to help out the village. Although he never helped everyone in Nevada before. Well, he thought he could help out the villagers to rebuild the huts.

Kagome and Sango were taking care of the injured people while Hank, Miroku, and Inuyasha helped out in the fields and repaired the houses. Shippo and Kirara delighted the children. Inuyasha was grumpy the entire time, which annoyed Kagome. So she used sit command as Inuyasha slammed his face against the ground a few times until he decided to try and stay on her good side.

After rebuilding the houses, the village decided to treat them for their hard work. Luckily, Sango whacked Miroku in the head before he requested women to bare his children, which grossed Hank out. That probably would have ended up badly.

"Thank you for all your help," the village leader said happily.

"It's no problem. I thought we could help out after the incidents." Hank said awkwardly, didn't hesitate but giving them a kind look.

"Well, how about all of you can stay one night? We brought some food for all of you after when you guys were done walking." The village leader said with a smile.

He blinked. "Huh?"

Then Hank saw one of the village girls bring out their meals, which embarrassed Hank. But he was feeling hungry now. Each of them enjoyed the meal, but Inuyasha stole Shippo's food. Hank just saw what Inuyasha did.

"Hey! Give that back, Inuyasha! It's mine!" Shippo yelled as he tried to reach for the fish.

"Nope. I'm bigger than you, so I need more energy than you." Inuyasha said, smugly. Then he ate the food. Hank glared at him for being rude to Shippo. He knew for sure he was an idiot.

"You're so mean to me!" Shippo began to cry out.

Hank sighed as he decided to give some of his food to Shippo. "You're welcome to have the rest of mine."

"Really?!" Shippo asked, excitedly.

Hank nodded. Then he watched Shippo running over to him who put the rest of his meat onto his plate.

"Thanks, Hank," Shippo said as he stared at him with admiration.

"You're welcome, Shippo," Hank replied.

"You're way nicer than Inuyasha!" Shippo exclaimed.

"Hey!" Inuyasha shouted.

"It's true, Inuyasha! You were always mean to me every time you always steal my food and call me a runt!" Shippo said, pointing at Inuyasha.

"Big deal, runt! I can do whatever I want." Inuyasha scoffed.

"Seriously, Inuyasha? Is this how you treated him like that? He is just a kid, goddammit! If he's hungry, just let him eat some. He would starve to death if he hasn't eaten anything. Even if you kept on stealing his food and disrespecting the others, which made you a scumbag." Hank said, glaring at the half-demon dog as he pointed at him.

"Excuse me!?" Inuyasha scowled.

"He's right. Why do you always so mean to Shippo, Inuyasha? You always being so stubborn and arrogant every time you were being mean to the others." Kagome said, glaring at him.

"Mind your business, wench!" Inuyasha argued.

Kagome scoffed, "Excuse me!? Really? Calling me a wench!?"

"You dumbass, that was very rude of you to call her that." Hank snapped, now facing Inuyasha.

"Why the hell do you care?! You're not part of my group! You're just a complete stranger!" Inuyasha shouted as he faced Hank back.

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