Chapter two

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The last couple of months being back home, occasionally talking with Jack, trying to make something of my life, were weird. I definitely had an amazing experience being in Canada, saw a new world, new opportunities, and started to think, that I take life way too seriously.

I've been pretty successful with writing short stories, which brought me not only income, but public recognition. Although, I need new inspiration for new stories, and was thinking that I could spend my money on a vacation. I just haven't decided which place would be the best for that.

Jackson was a bit off the past couple of weeks. But anytime we talked, he would open up more and more. I felt that he started to trust me, ask for my advice. He mentioned that his creativity was leaving him too, that he felt the loneliest this past time.

*over the phone*

"What if you came to visit?" He asked. "You could stay with me."

"Miss me that much?" I said sarcastically.

"Don't joke. I'm serious."



"What do you mean now?"

"Get the first flight here."

"Oh... okay, I'll check. But I don't think there could be any available that soon."

Universe is playing with me. There was a ticket, last one, not expensive, in three days.

Three days... that's soon.

"Get them." He insisted.

"I need to check if I don't have any plans. I was supposed to have an important meeting at this time."

He breathed out heavily. Lucky for him, all plans I thought I had, were canceled last minute. So, I guess I'm taking some days off in Canada.

The whole thing with him is a bit weird. At first, we didn't talk when I came back, almost like he ignored me. I also, wasn't trying to be a pain in the ass.

I do care about the things he talks to me about, the way he feels, but this invite, is really random. But I'm not going to complain, maybe I'll get some ideas for new stories.

*Three days later*

Canada. Airport. I'm tired. He is waiting for me.

I see him. He has flowers. Oh God.

We drove to his apartment, ordered some food, had a drink, caught up with our lives. He was nervous. Out of place. Stuttering. That drink didn't help either.

"I really like your apartment." I said looking around. "Where did you get this painting from?"

"I got it from an art flee market," he started. "Caught my attention."

No wonder why. It was a tall oil painting, with a woman in a red dress, holding a glass of red wine. Her curvy body and expression in her eyes, were definitely giving seductive vibes. I wonder if he looks at her when thinking about what audios to create.

"You want another drink? You can pick this time." He smiled.

"What's this?" I asked looking through the bottle selection.


"Oh. I like gin." I picked up the bottle. "Let's try this one."

He cheekily smiled.

"You trying to get drunk or something?"

"That's the only one, that caught my attention. You said I could choose, so that's my choice."

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