Chapter 37 | Messages

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"You've changed," Kade whispered out softly as the cool winds rippled across my face. It was an obvious thing, we hadn't seen each other in seven years. Something was bound to change about us.

The night lights were scattered with stars. After the intense mad sex we had, Kade dragged me up to the top of the restaurant's building. The scenery was beautiful, the ocean below us was serene and hitting perfectly off the moon's reflection.

We had been sitting here for a while now, quiet chatter as we sat and looked at the stars above us.

"For good, or worse?" I asked, tilting my head up to meet his. Kade was sitting beside me. With tousled hair and a load of bite marks all over his neck.

I couldn't judge, though, as I, too, probably had love bites all over my neck and chest.

Although some are hidden. Down below from what is considered appropriate.

Kade shook his head slowly, resting his elbow beside him as he stared up at me. His green eyes were sparkling as the moon hit them. "Your stronger, it's like you've found yourself." He whispers.

Those eyes of his adoring looked up at me, his plump lips parted softly as he slowly reeled me in. He hadn't stopped looking at me since our fiasco in the bathroom. If you could call it that.

I sigh, shivering as I cross my arms over each other. It's freezing tits out here. I didn't want to respond, it wasn't necessary.

I had changed, and I was stronger. But deep down inside somewhere, I knew that I hadn't found myself yet. I wasn't the type to just sit around and drown in my own thoughts all day.

Ever since I was a child, my days were packed from the rising of the sun to the setting of it. Being in the light of the public had its perks, but it also had its cons.

I never got to have those days learning how to ride a bike with my dad, or have girl-gossip with my mom about her friends. I never got to go to a normal school.

Instead, I found myself in the middle of a tornado when I came to private schools.

They were fucking hell, and I still remember that day I got dress coded because my pants were too tight.


Over the years, though, I could say I have found pieces of myself. Pieces that were apart of the bigger picture would soon reveal its masterful plan.

Pieces of myself in the ocean, in Kade.

"If creating a multi-million dollar business that focuses on helping marine animals out of corrupted organizations means finding myself, then yes, I have."

"Badass much."

"You could say so," I snort.

Kade chuckles, dimples turning profound as he raises his eyes to the stars. His dark curls tumbled as he lifted his head, that sexy ass Adam's apple of his bopping up and down as he swallowed.

Almost in remembrance, Kade lifted off his jacket before placing it on my arms.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

It smelled sexy, I sniffed it secretly.

It was silent for a second, two, before Kade started talking. "I looked at the stars at night when I missed you," He breathed out, eyes still glued to the stars.

"Well, when I missed you to the point, it was unbearable. I believed that if I spoke a message to the stars, they would carry it out to you."

He looked at me for a moment, eyes watering. "I hoped that you would look up at the stars too, and receive my message. I would wait for hours, praying to God above that you would answer my pleas."

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