Chapter 38 | Objective M

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"Oh my God, this shit is spicy." I coughed, pounding my fist into my chest as I tried to find air again. Clutching the soft luxurious silk of tablecloth, I bent forward.

A low chuckle sounded out from Kade's chest. Looking up I saw his dimples, shaded by the pinkish sunset starting to form. "You think it's funny? I thought this was avacado." I grumbled out.

He had tricked me into thinking this glump of green on the edge of my plate was just some avacado, but no, it was wasabi.

And I ate a whole chunk of it with a tortilla chip.

A hand carraases my calf under the table, Kade's cold silver rings running along goosebumps on my skin. Kade brought himself closer to my body. "Didn't think you would fall for it, guess I'm going to have to train you to spot threats now instead of Ruth."

"I would rather eat acid then let you train me."

"Like you have a choice." His sweet-toned voice rumbled in my ear as his lips touched the corner of my cheek.

"You know," I began, bringing a napkin to my mouth as I wiped the remainder of Wasabi from my lips before gulping down a glass of water. "If you weren't so flirty I would think your falling in love with me."

Kade tilted his head in confusion, a perfect strand of black curls falling across his forehead. He wore a innocently sinful outfit, a black dress-shirt with matching slacks and a big ass rock on his wrist. Oh, and not to mention the diamond studs in his ears and those sexy ass tattoos crawling up his neck.

"Whose to say I'm not in love with you?" He questioned, drawing his tattooed hands slowly up and down my calf. The soft winds blew through my curls.

My fingers circled the glass of wine placed next to my plate, once, twice. "Then why did you leave?"

The air seemed to thicken then, before a low sigh was heard coming from his lips. He had taken me to a restaurant tonight, even though I was perfectly comfortable in my silk pajamas and a face mask lying my face.

But then again, who can say no to the best pasta in the city of Portofino? Not me.

After the night on the roof of the restaurant my mother had taken a group of us to dine at, I texted the girls and told them I would be staying with an 'old friend'. A white lie they probably would never believe but I rather have questions thrown at me instead of a wooden shoe that Rhea hides in the back of her closet.

The restaurant was unique and worth going to, nonetheless. I had been going to this exact restaurant since the time I first came to Italy. I remember the memories I have here of sneaking into the kitchen with Ade and hooking ourselves up with fresh Tamato Soup before our mother could catch us.

She did catch us sometimes though, then she always stole some Tamato soup for herself too, since the head Cheff did have a crush on her for a while.

"I left for Soph." Kade began, drawing a strand of my hair into his gentle hold. "When my mother died from cancer, my father had killed every doctor on the floor."

"But he missed one." He glanced at me.

"Francesco. One name that I will carry with me. Didn't have a last name, just that one. He was a friend of my mothers long before she met my father. They went to primary school together, but hadn't been in touch since. Until they met again, at this restaurant."

"One thing led to another, drinks were poured, and they created Sophia. I hadn't known, no one did. Except for my mother and him." Kade kept rubbing my calf sensually.

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