Chapter one

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I woke up to the sun shining through my blinds and in my face. Just then I heard loud thumps of feet padding to my room, I immediately knew who it was and tried to prepare myself by covering my ears.

FINNEY BLAKE GET UP NOW, yelled Gwen while bursting through my door. " ALRIGHT" I yelled. She just gave me a cheeky smile, and walked out.

What a way to wake up, I thought so myself as I got out of bed and hobbled to my closet. I picked out a pair of flared jeans and a Metallica shirt.

Once I got finished changing I walked out of my room and walked to the kitchen. As the floor broads creaked with every step I took I found myself in the room to make food.

It was quite, just like it usually is. Not to scary, just the fact that their is a crazy drunk person living in this house. Normal right? No, no it's not, but that's what I have to deal with.

I walked over to the toaster and put a piece of bread in. As I clicked the buttons I tried to be as quite as possible. I cringed at it when it made a loud sound, as I glanced over at my dad I saw that he had put his newspaper down and looked at me with a stern face.

That face scared me. It meant something bad was about to happen. But I guess I was in luck, because he didn't do anything except say in the frustrated tone " can you be quite?".

I quietly mumbled a sorry and followed Gwen as she motioned me to come towards her as the rest of her body stood like a statue. As me and her walked out the door she said to me, " what's up with you, you look tired". I responded " I don't feel good".

Her response to that was putting a hand over my forehead to check. " woah you're burning up Finney you should go back and stay home". I'll make it through the day it's ok Gwen" I said.

I didn't realize how cold it was when I walked out of the door, so now I'd just have to wait until I get to school and just be cold, in silence.

Once we made it to the school doors Gwen walked the other way and left me a kiss on my forehead and waved bye. I waved bye to her and went to my area with my age group.

As I walked in the doors I felt a wave of warm air hit my body and all the chills I had before were now Gone. I walked in the doors to be greeted with stares.

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as people stared at me. I didn't know what they were thinking. Did they think I was ugly? Did they think I was some Easy target for bullying?

My mind flooded with these thoughts as I walked to my locker. Just my luck when I got to it the bell rung. By then everyone was rushing to class and the hallways were packed with just barley enough space for me to find my way to class.

As I turned a corner I wasn't prepared for what happened next. I had bumped into something rock hard. It almost made me lose my footing but I kept my ground.

I looked up to see the person I bumped into, and just my luck it was Vance Hopper. "Watch it" he spat. I just mumbled a sorry and tried to walk past him but he wouldn't let me.

As the bell ring and everyone disappeared to their classes I new what was gonna happen. As I prepared myself for the first hit, nothing came. I was surprised but I then realized why. Robin my best friend held his arm to stop him.

Get the hell away from him Hopper" Robin said. The "fuck are you gonna do Arellano?" Vance questioned, I'm gonna protect my best friend that's why I'm gonna do" siad robin. That made me smile, he's always been like that to protect me.

Of course I hid my face so Vance couldn't see it, he would've flipped out and beat my ass, and maybe Robins. I knew Vance could do it if he wanted too.

That's what scared me about him. He'd do anything without thinking about it. As I was lost in my thoughts about Vance I didn't realize that a teacher had come to yell at us for not being in class.

"GET TO CLASS", my English teacher, Ms Corey yelled across the hallway from out of her classroom. Me and Robin immediately looked at each other and ran off together to the class we shared.

When we opened the door most of the attention turned to us. I felt visibly uncomfortable while Mr Johnson scolded us for being about 10 minutes late to class.

When we sat down in the back of the class I zoned out and started thinking about Vance. I realized that when me and Robin ran away Vance stood there, getting scolded by a teacher.

I knew that some time today I was going to be pulled somewhere by Vance and get beat up. I was paranoid of that happening everyday.

Whenever Robin wasn't here my nightmares came true. I realized that if it weren't for Robin, Gwen, and my other friends, I wouldn't be here.

I didn't realize I zoned out until Robin kicked my leg to get my attention. " Dude are you okay?" Robin asked me.

"Yes Robbie I'm fine" I smiled while saying. Ive called him that since we met.

The rest of the day flew by and before I knew it, it was the end of the day and I was eating for Gwen.

As Gwen approached me and we started walking, she asked me how I was feeling. " Hey Finney are you feeling better?"

"Yes Gwen I'm feeling better". " Alright" Gwen said with a smile. As we made our way home in comfortable silence I started to think about Vance I don't know why but he just stuck to my mind.

When we made it home we both walked upstairs and in our separate rooms.

Just as school the time flew by and it was now 2:30 AM and I was still awake, thinking about Vance. I got tired and decided I would just go to sleep with Vance on my mind.

So I did, I fell asleep with Vance Hopper on my mind for, and for some reason I didn't know why.

Usually I would just have a reason but I guess right now I was to tried to care.

And with that thought I was fast asleep.


Please don't mind at spelling mistakes I'm not the best when it comes to grammar

Bye pookie bears

Word count: 1179

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