Chapter 2

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I woke up, but didn't hear my alarm that was until I heard screams. It normal right?

No, Of corse it's not normal to have screams wake you up from your slumber. But I guess that's how it was for me..

I immediately jumped out of bed and ran down the hallways to the stairs. Usually I would never run down stairs but, in this situation I needed to.

Once I made it to the living room I didn't know what to do, I wanted to cry but I couldn't I had to stay strong.

I could help but yell " DAD STOP PLEASE", he looked at me and said through gritted teeth " Don't you yell at me boy" as he glared at me and went back to beating Gwen.

I new I couldn't just stand there and let t happen, I knew Gwen would get hurt really bad if I just stood there, cause who knows how long it would take for him to stop?

I ran over to the two of them and yanked Gwen away from the horrible man that was standing in the middle f the room, " DON'T HIT HER!" I knew is regret that in a few seconds.

And I did, I was immediately grabbed by the arm and thrown on the ground. " I SADI DONT YOU YELL AT ME BOY", he spat at the ground looking at me with rage in his eyes.

my eyes began to fill with a mixture of sadness and fear, " GO TO YOUR ROOM BEFORE I BEAT YOU TOO!", he yelled at me with the same rage and hate in his eyes every time.

I hurried up and scurried off the ground, while grabbing Gwen's hand and practically sprinting up the stairs to my room.

I opened the door and we both went inside and sat on my bed. "Finney are you alright?" Gwen asked with worry in her eyes.

" I'm fine, but are you ok?" " let me fix you up come on", as I led her off the bed and out the door to the bathroom.

I pulled first aid supplies out of the cabinet and immediately started working on Gwen's arms cause that's where she got hit the most.

" im fine he didn't hit me hard, but thank you for helping me finnster", Gwen smiled at me. I knew it was a fake smile and she was hurting inside.

I pulled her close into a hug and we both cried, " when will this stop finney, when?" Gwen said with tears streaming down her face.

" I don't know Gwen.." I choked out through sobs. I snifflied and pulled away from the hug. As I whipped Gwen's tears away, " Gwen go get ready for school" I said as I pushed her out of the door and began walking behind her to her room.

I stopped at her door once she closed it to get ready, I slowly made my way to my room, and opelend the door only to close and lock it, so I could get changed.

I put some baggy jeans on, with a long sleeve shirt that had deftones on the front. I only wore the long sleeves to cover the fact that I've been cutting myself as peace and comfort from my home life.

I wanted to start crying just because I felt so disgusting and disappointed in myself for what I had, done to my own skin.

I made my way to my door to find my shoes sitting next to it. I chose to put on brown converse cause I thought it went with the outfit.

I once again made my way to the bathroom where I brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I took some of Gwen's concealer so I could try and cover up the marks on my face that my dad made.

It was regular that I did this to hide them. I just didn't want anyone to know, and telling someone would mean they would tell the police or something.

I was scared of that. Even though I despised my dad, I was scared of him. He scared me, horribly.

I didn't even bother to brush my hair cause I knew it would ruin my curls and make them flat for the day. I walked to Gwen's room and knocked on her door.

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