Chapter 4

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Vibrations shivered down his spine, a blinding sunlight was shining on him as he tried to open his eyes. Wukong exposed his eyes, he looked over at his shaking door. There was a loud frantic banging coming from the other side. He groaned and reached across his bed to wear his pants. He sat up and stretched, his fur standing up due to the sudden change.

He dragged himself off his bed and pushed back his hair. He opened the door and glared down at the person who had just interrupted his sleep. His salient red eyes glowed as his tail lashed on the floor. But when he had opened the door, he was only approached by a small fly that was at his eye level.

The insect started to glow and an orange smoke clouded his sight. When he dusted it off, he was greeted by an enthusiastic Xiaotian.

"Emperor! Guess what? I can finally transform! I woke up early to train with Redson and it really helped! Isn't it great?"

"Congrats kid. Next time don't bang on my door though. You scared me to death." He said, scratching his back.

A black figure walked behind Xiaotian slowly. Macaque had his hair freshened up and was wearing golden jewelry along with a long drape that dangled above his knees. The necklace he wore looked like it took homage to him, almost like Macaque purposely chose it for that purpose. His warm eyes looked at him, the innocent look made him feel dizzy.

"M-Macaque. Your clothes..." he trailed off.

"The maids insisted I changed. It's definitely more lavish than I'm used to." He said.

He looked down at himself, he looked back at Wukong with a worried look.

"Why? Does it look bad?" He asked.

"Of course not! I just feel unprepared to see you like this that's all!" Wukong reassured him.

Macaque looked at him and smirked.

"I will see you later my emperor. By the way, nice happy trail."

Wukong looked down and realized how low waisted his pants were and slammed the door closed. His heart was stammering, he felt like throwing up. His nervousness was getting the better of him, yet he loved every second of it. He felt as if Macaque was the moon, and he was the tide. He flows under his command, forever longing for him, as he is his purpose. His feelings were getting the better of him. Wukong levelled his breathing and calmed himself. He properly dressed himself and exited his quarters.

He stood tall and mighty yet he still hadn't recovered from what he saw. Seeing Macaque first thing in the morning is something he had to get used to. He passed his garden to see Macaque picking some fruits. He made an abrupt stop and followed the other monkey. Although he tried to make himself quiet, Macaque still turned to see him.

"Wukong. I didn't think you would come here. Unless something lured you in." He said teasingly.

Wukong slowly walked towards him. He raised his hand and reached for a peach that was hanging on a high branch. He handed it over to Macaque in which he motioned him to eat it. He reluctantly took it off his hands and bit it. His eyes twinkled as he continued to eat the peach.

Wukong chuckled and moved closed to him. He leaned towards him and gently kissed his forehead. Macaques eyes widened as he looked at Wukong in shock. He face felt warm as he rested Macaques head on his shoulder. He smiled softly as he started tracing circles on his back.

"It is funny is it not? That we have known each other for such a short amount of time and yet...If I had to wait my entire life for your love, I would. For when I've withered away, I'd be glad I got to experience heaven before I even reached it."

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