01. The Entrance Exam

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〔3rd pov〕

It's currently 5 in the morning, Hizashi and Keiko are currently on their way to the school. Hizashi had to come early for the exam preparation and Keiko had to tag along. Luckily, the kid managed to continue his sleep during the entire ride there.

『Time skip when they arrived』

"Kei, wake up, we're here" Hizashi wake the boy up. "Ugh, yeah I'm up, I'm up"

They made their way inside the school and Hizashi decided to leave the kid in the school library for his last minute study while he doing the exam preparation.

The boy had to fight the urge to sleep in order to study. Ever since middle school, the boy had somehow pass every single exam or test with just a last minute study. Even Hizashi is  confused at how the boy's mind work. The boy's only theory on that is that he always focuses in class which resulting him to remember some stuff easily.

This exam however, will be different from the other. He's not just up against some students who are probably better than him, he also have to actually fight this time. Real fight. Luckily, it was against some robots so he can go wild with it. The anger that he kept from the students at his middle will finally be useful here. He just needs to make sure that he will not hurt the other students.

"Hey kid, the writing exam is gonna start soon, c'mon" A certain voice caught the boy attention.

"Oh hey Eraser. Long time no see" Eraser, or Shouta Aizawa, Hizashi's platonic boyfriend. They had a talk about Hizashi and Shouta relationship ages ago and explains to the boy how qpr work. Keiko don't really mind tho. Weather they're together in a platonic way or not, the boy is just happy that his father had found love.

『Time skip after writing exam』
Keiko pov〕

Now it's time for the heroics entrance exam brief. Everyone have to gather in the auditorium where dad will explains more about the exam. I already know that we'll be fighting with robots, but I don't know how they will count our mark or how many robots we have to fight. We were given a card that determine our arena where we will be taking the test

Once everyone is inside the auditorium, dad begins explaining the stuff that we need to know.

"Fellow candidates, welcome to my live show. EVERYBODY SAY HEY!" Dad say with excitement. Sadly, the students is not having it and kept quiet. "You guys are no fun" yeah, I thought that too dad.

"So, fellow candidates, I shall explains briefly the practical test YOU READY?!" he yells again. And just like before everyone went quite. I do however hear someone mumbling about something. I don't know what they're talking about andI don't care. It's not my business, I better focused on the actual thing. The guy next to me however, did not taking it very well.

"You guys will be fighting some robots for 10 minutes at your respective arena. There's 3 different type and each have different points according to the difficulty. Any villainous act such as attacking other students is prohibited" dad explained.

Suddenly, the guy next to me stand up. "Can I ask a question" he asked.
"You said there will be 3 different type robots, but why does the pamphlet say 4? Is this some kind of printing error?" He asked "also the guy with curly hair" he turned and point to another students. I, out of curiosity, also turn around to look at him. The guy has a green curly hair and green eyes. The guy next to me must have caught him off guard since he started to panic a little.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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