Chapter Two

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I followed the map that was assigned to me to lead me to my classes. I stepped into the first one. It's called English 1. Okkaaaay well I guess there are numbers in English. I saw one other girl besides the teacher in the room with me.

"Name?" The teacher asked sweetly.

"Jack Ridge ma'am," I said curtly.

"Oh you're in the front right middle seat," I walked over and found my name taped to the top of the desk besides 4 other boys' names, all of who I know on a personal level. Another few girls walked in quietly chit chatting like they always do, they never talk too loud which is nice, my ears are tired of hearing screaming voices in my ears and face. A single girl walked in and sat by me.

"Riah? Do you mind switching seats?" Another girl asked the girl sitting next to me.

"Of course not, if you give me a reason," she bargained. The other girl huffed and walked to her seat in another row. I looked at the girl next to me, with blonde hair, and skin that is lightly tanned but not to the point that it looks unnatural with her hair, I have yet to see her eyes, and her fingers are long and slender, she also wasn't wearing anything on her face like the other girls, and she's very curvy, overall she's very...feminine?

"Ladies and Cadets I want you to write a one to a two-page story that you made up all by yourself no basking things off books or other things. These won't be read aloud to the class. Start," I picked up my pencil and started to write off the top of my head. The sound of pencils scratching paper filled my ears, "Miss Ambry," A young girl from the doorway of the room asked. The girl next to me stood up and stood next to her seat, "Professor Beaks? May I be excused?" Holy crap her voice is soft and quiet. I watched as the teacher's gaze softened, to be honest, I softened at her voice.

"Yes, you may leave," she pushed in her chair and left with the little girl. She's an average heighted girl. I finished the paper a few minutes before the bell rang and left for the next session.

"Cadet Ridge!" I turned on my heel towards the voice, "Sargent Mathis wants you!" It was my best friend Clayton, he's in my troop.

"Okay, where is he?"

"He's in the Headmistress's office."

"Thanks, Downey."

"Welcome Ridge," I walked to the Headmistress's office, I marched up the stairs silently, the sound of my heels clicking. A few girls on free period giggled as I tipped my hat at them as I passed, girls are so odd. They giggle at almost everything. I knocked on the door, "Sargent? May I enter?"

"Come in Candidate." I opened the door and shut it behind me.

"You asked for me, Sarg?" I asked.

"Sit Ridge," I came and sat down. The three of us talked about the school grounds and the training sessions that the Cadets and I will be together after dinner while the girls are having free time. Our free time is, well. Now that I think about it, we don't really ever get free time. I left the room after the talk and walked down the stairs. I felt somebody crash into me with enough force to knock me over and they landed on top of me. I shook my head and opened my eyes. I heard a gasp as my eyes focused.

"I-I-I'm s-so sorry. I didn't m-mean to run into you! Honest!" I looked at the girl as she tried to scramble off me, I watched the girl as she almost fell again. Red rushed up to her cheeks and she looked down. I sat up and watched her, she glanced at me again, then held out her hand, I took it but I used my own muscles to pull myself up so she didn't have to. I gave her a smile and held out my hand.

"Hello, I'm Cadet Ridge," I introduced myself. Her eyes were bright green, and I realized that she is the girl I sit next to in English. She took my hand and shook it.

"Hi, I'm Riah. Nice to meet you, Cadet," I chuckled.

"Do you think that my first name is Cadet?" I asked. She blushed as she shyly nodded, how cute, "My first name's Jack, Cadet is what we put in front of our last names in training."

"O-oh," she blushed again.

"What's your last name Riah?" I asked. I had already forgotten it earlier this afternoon.

"Ambry. Riah Ambry," I gave her a small smile and nodded as she curtsied, "Well I have to go, bye Mr. Jack." She turned to leave.

"Riah," I said, and she turned, "call me Jack."

"Okay. Bye Mr. Jack," she said as she started walking again.

"Bye Riah." I had no clue that a girl can be so quiet, shy, and cute at the same time.

(Hey! If you just so happen to stumble upon this book, please let me know what you think! I only have a few chapters and have no clue where to go with this so let me know! Happy Reading!)

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