Follow the Wind

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i lied LMAO. i did in fact start this on the bus but never finished it so i finished it just now 😁😁😁😁. i apologize for delay and also i will be skipping some scenes cause im way too creative for that!! so this will be when jake gets his ikran, (almost close to the smut scene im nervous help), anyway hope this chapter fit your expectations cause i delayed it for WAYYYY too long.

thanks for reading 💗💗

jake and atoka treaded through the forest, jake was testing his hunting skills, this would declare his right to bond with and ikran.

they slowed and were now mich quieter when they spotted a good sized hexapede munching on the grass below it, they slowly approached it and now the hexapede had become aware of their presence.

the hexapede barred its teeth and jake prepared his shot, jake let go of the arrow swiftly, piercing the hexapede in the chest.

he ran over to it, and said the prayer while taking the arrow out of its chest and putting it back with the rest of his arrows, atoka watched closely and proudly, but didn't show that in her expression.

"you are ready", atoka said slightly surprised that he was ready this early.

jake smiled and they brought back the hexapede to hometree for final meal.
❀                                                                    ❀

jake pov:

tsu'tey, some other young hunters, and i all were headed to where the ikrans, or what the guys call them, banshees are.

it was my time to claim one as my own, if i had been telling the truth i would say i was nervous since atoka wasn't here to guide me or cheer me on to at least give me a glimpse of confidence.

we got off our dire horse and went the rest of the way on foot.

once we made it to oorah, i heard a screech in the distance, i suddenly turned my head towards the sound and found atoka gliding towards us before landing on the cliffside and putting her visor up.

we both smiled at each other and i nodded while she did the 'i see you' hand sign to each of the members getting their ikran, and to tsu'tey who was guiding them.

"jakesully will go first!" tsu'tey declared.

i groaned quietly and atoka smiled and lead me to the pathway to the banshees.

it was slick and steep, just what i needed.

we made it and i observed all the ikran from afar.

"now you must choose your ikran, this you must feel inside." atoka said softly and impatient as she put her hand on my chest.

"if he also chooses you, move quick, like i showed." she instructed.

"how will i know if he chooses me?" i asked a little nervous but a little more at ease now that atoka had arrived.

"he will try to kill you." atoka said very, almost too casually.

"outstanding..." my heart was pounding now as i slowly walked from my spot next to the cliffside.

i scared a few banshee away by jumping down or by just walking to them.

but one ikran caught my eye, i walked over to him and it didn't fly away, but this time turned around and spread it wings wide, as if he were challenging me.

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