House of Wax

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I sit with the girls waiting for the guys to return when Paige points out "There's a place in Tribeca for $3,000" she points at the paper. Carly groans then frowns "That's too expensive. The money I saved up won't cover two months' rent". She continues with her rant "I'm gonna have to work every second I'm not in class until graduation". I smile sympathetically "Carls you're gonna have to figure something out because living on the streets isn't an option". Paige continues "Carly, don't even think about not going". Carly exasperates "I'm not" Paige smiles smugly "Good, because you know how proud I am of you". Carly as her usual avoiding the spotlight self "It's just an internship". Paige says with her usual beaming smile "At InStyle Magazine. Or would you rather stay at the Waffle House as a waitress forever"? Carly chuckles out "No thanks, Yeah".

Wade finally returns "Hey babe" Carly smiles "Hi". Wade uncomfortably says "Sorry, there were these two drunk rednecks wrestling in the bathroom". Carly responds with a smile "Really?" Paige gives that stupid smug look "There's no rednecks in New York". Wade responds with a polite smile "No there's not". Paige gets up pridefully "You know, I'm gonna go
see what Blake's doing. Seems to like that car more than me nowadays". I say under my breath "Shocking" Carly slaps my hand "Paisley!" I stick my tongue out at her before eating another fry.

Wade gives me a looks asking me to leave "I'm gonna go look for Nick" Wade looks pissed. Nick walks past a homeless man outside with his sidekick as he kick the cup of change "Get a job". I scowl at Nick "Don't be a dick" I put a $20 into his cup "That's for what an ass hole my boyfriend can be" I join Nick at the table as he puts an arm over my shoulders. I cringe when I smell the beer when Dalton shoves his stupid camera in everyone's faces. Carly asks sounding annoyed "Dalton, please don't film me". Dalton plays dumb "What?" Carly gives him a withering look "Please". Dalton pulls an ass excuse "It's just on. I'm not filming now". Carly keeps her voice calm "The red light's on". Nick starts pushing the camera down "Hey, come on. Put the camera down. You know she doesn't like having people up in her face. She folds under pressure".

I shove Nick's arm off my shoulder "I'm gonna go wait by Wade's car". Nick looks confused "What's his problem?" Carly looks from her friend to Nick "Nick, you got something to say to me?" Nick gives a nasty look "No, no, I think you've already spoken enough for the both of us, don't you?" Dalton chuckles "You guys are lame. I'm out of here. See ya". I stand next to Wade's car holding my jacket tightly around myself when I see Dalton perving on Paige and Blake having a make out session. Paige shift her head so Blake can kiss her neck before she gets annoyed "Dalton, put down that damn camera" Dalton chuckles while Paige pulls away from Blake "God!"

We sit in the car with my long legs positioned awkwardly between Dalton and Nick. Wade looks over at Carly when he starts "It's gonna be packed tomorrow". Dalton cries out "Dude, speaking of packed, my legs are killing me back here". Nick almost mumbles "Don't worry, man. It's not Wade's fault his little Hot Wheels car only fits two". I elbow Nick's side "Stop being rude". Dalton practically screams "It's more like a Shot Wheels car, isn't it, Wade? Wade, what did you do, go
to the barber shop and ask for a He-Man haircut, or what?" I elbow Dalton "Shut up, Dalton" both Dalton and Nick start laughing. I really wish I hadn't agreed to this trip but I couldn't abandon Carly my first BFF.

Everyone starts making sounds of complaints "Oh man" Dalton "This sucks" Carly "So much for his nice little short cut" Wade. Wade starts to pull next to Blake "I hope he's not gonna get us lost". We finally start to pass Blake when Dalton reaches across my chest to start smacking at Nick "Damn, yo! Yo wake up! Wake up, wake up!" Nick stirs awake. The perv pulls out his camera "Look at her licking that guy! You're caught on tape!" Dalton cheers. Wade honks his horn as Carly blurts "Hello! Oh, my God! What are they doing?!" Nick leans across me "Is she flossing herself with that thing".

House of Wax with male OCWhere stories live. Discover now