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"Oh come on, there has to be someone you like?" Nydia, my best friend, questioned.

"Nope absolutely no one, now can I please eat my lunch?" I sighed.

She has been bombarding me with those types of questions for days now. I mean I get it, I haven't exactly been very open with her about my relationship life, but honestly after my boyfriend just ghosted me what exactly can she expect? I don't like talking about anything relationship wise. That kind of stuff leaves a mark and doesn't go away easily; Not to mention she's always in a new relationship every second, so why should I expect her to understand?

Whatever, I hate thinking about shit like this. It always ruins my mood.

"Um, I'm going to go to the nurses office. I don't feel so well." I say this so often I don't even expect her to believe me at this point, but if she keeps talking about my relationship I'm going to go fucking insane.

"Yeah whatever, just say you don't want to talk about it next time." She laughs.

"Gotcha." I use this moment to send yet another text you my nonexistent boyfriend.

I get you don't want to talk to me anymore, but I mean you can at least tell me why. You owe me that much at the very least. I gave you my everything.

No response. Figures. I see him one night, we have sex, not very good if I have anything to say about it, then the next he just ignores me.

I see him almost every single day at work and he just acts like I'm not even a human. I don't know how someone can throw away almost three years of love like that? Like we weren't together since fucking high school.

Whatever, I'm just going to lie down here until Lunch is over.

I lie down and decide to relax. Not even 10 minutes goes by before I hear some loud grunting and some rattling. I get up and see a boy with black hair almost as if it's purple, he's pretty tall, or at least tall enough to have me look up. Maybe 6'2? 6'3? I don't know. He seemed to be looking for something, so I sat up. As I scanned over him, he seemed to have a few cuts and bruises, some were bleeding, some were not. I stood up and walked over to the other cabinet on the other side of the room, where the bandages were, grabbed a few and walked over to him.

"Here." I handed him the bandages. He flinches almost as if I startled him.

"Oh." He takes out one airpod and makes eye contact with me. His eyes are a very cold blue, like a gray storm. They were beautiful. He grabs the bandages and awkwardly smiles before leaving.

"No, thank you? Rude." I chuckle to myself. "Finally, some sleep before I go back to classe-" The bell rings. Of fucking course. GOD DAMNIT. I, reluctantly, get up and go to class. As I get there I see very few people. No one really takes this class since it's just there for credits, but I just so happen to like cooking so culinary arts was a no brainer for me. I find my usual seat two rows from the back, two seats from the wall. I'm a little early so I decide to catch up on homework from other classes. I have been putting off this math homework for so long. No wonder my grade is a damn D. I laugh to myself when the professor walks in.

"Good evening class, I'm sorry I'm late but I had a family emergency so with that being said, class will be short." He called out. "Today we will be cooking so please grab your aprons and go to your nearest cooking station."

I grab my apron and start walking to my station when I see a guy standing near the one I go to. I was sure no one was sitting close to me, so why would I have a partner? As I get closer I go to introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Y/n. I believe we're partne-"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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