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Kerrigans POV:

Eep: augh!

Eep yell backing away from the boy and dragging me with her.

Eep leaps back a few paces, dropping the rock on the boy's foot.


Eep: shhh-!

Eep yells at him.

Me: stop! You're hurting him!!

I say tying to get around Eep and she moves swiftly to silence him, but first. she gently pushing me back. She pounces on him and twists his head sideways. The boy is suffocating. He feels around for a stick and bashes Eep in the side of the head.

Eep: ow-!

Eep yells in pain

Guy: air...

The boy says in pain. Eep immediately stops and looks at him

Eep: you talk..!

Guy: of course... I'm a person, like you..!

He offers Eep Tosses the boulder aside and lifts the boy with one hand.

Guy: sort of-.. like you?

He laughs out Eep opens his mouth and pokes around inside. She sniffs at him. Turns him upside-down. the boy squirms on the ground trying to get away from Eep

Guy: okay, could you not, hee hee hee, that tickles... Hey-!

Eep looks closely at the thing wrapped around his waist. It's eyes open.

Eep: augh!

Eep yells in surprise Eep drops him on his head.

Guy: OW! Woah-..

He says in pain and wonder as he gets a glimpse of me Eep jams her foot over his mouth.

Eep: quiet! We're not supposed to be out here..!

Eep seethes out the boy bites her foot.

Eep: OW!

Eep screams in pain. She kicks him in the stomach. He rolls sideways. The boy is getting the worst of this encounter. Eep kicks him away. The fight continues as I try to get them apart. He is still on his knees.

Guy: wow. You're really strong...

The boy huffs out in a mixture of pain and fear. The flame dwindles. The boy moves toward it. Eep blocks him.

Eep: no-! It's ours. No, no. We caught it!

Eep yells protectivley no way he is getting past her.

Guy: it's dying. I can fix it!!

The boy shouts. Eep doesn't want to.

Guy: please..! I hate the dark...

He says in pain and hope. I see a kindred spirit within the eyes of the boy. And we get out of his way I pull Eep back with me. He picks up the torch and blows. I scoot closer to Him, staying in the circle of light around him. As He brings the fire back to life, the relief on his face is familiar to me. This boy seems to have power over light itself. I must say I'm smitten.

Me: it does what you tell it..?

I ask with curiosity.

Guy: well, yeah, sort of...

He responds with a soft smile as he turns to face me I look at him with wonder

Me: the sun?

Guy: no, no. Fire..!

MY Family (Guy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now