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A much even crazier coincidence

Down stairs at the one of the function halls of the hotel, where Jennie's wedding rehearsal was happening, a running Jennie and Lisa came bursting through the double doors. Sweat forming on their foreheads as they went to their respective positions. Jennie and Lisa luckily just got on time.

-Where were you guys been? and look how sweaty you are?- Nayeon questions Jennie, as she asked for some tissues and blot Jennie's sweat from her face, forehead and neck.

-We just got hold up to something. But its okay now. its over.- Jennie said, she pressed her lips and smile thinly at Nayeon, as she sighs deeply

The rehearsal went through as schedule. And just like any other weddings, the couple walk together to the altar, listen to their vows, so on and so forth. As the reverend reads some passage from the bible, Jennie saw that one person, sitting alone at one of the chairs in the audience, hand on her chin and she smiled widely. Nayeon looked at where Jennie is looking, the woman, excitedly waved her hand to Nayeon and she smiles even so widely.

I, Jennie, take you, Nayeon, to be my wife - the reverend said through the background, as he continues, Jennie's gazed moves from all of those people on her side that's sitting at the audience. She doesn't know if they were all wearing fake smiles, or is it just her. The looks they are giving Jennie, holds a big and a lot of expectations. expectations Jennie doesn't know how to fulfill. Jennie now starts to feel uneasy.  Jennie tries and turn her attention to that one person who keeps on waving her hand to them.

-Uhmm, Nayeon? who's that girl over there?- Jennie pointed at the direction of the girl she was asking by her mouth

-Oh, that's my old friend, Jisoo- Nayeon waves at Jisoo and Jisoo waved excitedly back, with her big toothy grin

-Oh- Jennie said, she smiled at Jisoo, Jisoo smiled shyly back at Jennie

Then the facilitator concluded the rehearsal, gave the final and last instructions. Though the final wedding would be at least three days from now, the facilitator spread all the details to everyone who attended the rehearsal.

-Yes, yes. I hate to break up the good thing but, uhmm magic mike and his team are actually waiting, and we are already late Nini.- said Lisa, getting in between Nayeon and Jennie

-Don't believe her, she probably planned just a karaoke session for herself.

-Did you really booked Magic Mike? like in the movie?- Lisa wiggled her eyebrows. Nayeon's mouth dropped open. Jennie couldn't help herself she laughed at Nayeon's reaction. Lisa was just excited, she was jumping up and down, like a kid, ready to go out and play. Lisa prepared everything, she also has something for the men of course, for Jennie's and Nayeon's dad. Lisa got it all covered

-uhm, Lisa? before you take my Jennie to magic mike, I need to talk to her.- Lisa nods

-Okay, beautiful bride.- Lisa kissed Nayeon's forehead. taps Jennie's shoulder and said she'll be waiting at the cab outside. Lisa turn around, and accidentally bumped into Nayeon's old friend Jisoo. Lisa stopped mid step, and said her apologies

-oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't.. oh yeah, yeah.- Lisa stepped aside, let the girl passed her. Lisa continue her walk, she turn around one last time, and mouth to Jennie

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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