chapter 2-kazuko attempt to escape

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2 years have passed since muzan took the hybrid child. muzan had done many tests to see how kazuko acts like a human and a demon. he found out the sunlight doesn't bug the hybrid but she has demon teeth, the child had a white mark over her left eye, and a black mark over her right eye, white horn on left side, black horn on right side of head  muzan would mutter to himself, ''this child is special i must figure out her abilities and she's only allowed to eat human flesh to grow stronger. so she gets the hunger for humans." muzan than spoke up," lowermoon #3 take the child to her room, and give her human flesh." the lowermoon agreed and took kazuko to her room.

kazuko would be left alone in her room, with a piece of human flesh laying in front of her. kazuko would curiously look at the human flesh poking it, then shed smell the human flesh and was simply disgusted by the smell. it smelled so rotten like trash. the child would then lay down and fall asleep as her tummy grumbles.
later on a lowermoon walks up to muzan. the lowermoon spoke, "master the hybrid child is refusing to eat the human flesh"
muzan answered, "tch let her suffer than if she straves thats her own fault"
a couple days later, kazuko tummy would growl, shes been refusing to eat. muzan would walk into the kazuko room. muzan spoke, ''kazuko you're only hurting yourself by doing this just eat it, it will help your hungry."
kazuko shook her head no. she'd refuse and would fall asleep. when she woke up muzan was gone.

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