First Challenge

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"Alrighty campers. Because it's all stars we will have some challenges that have been in previous seasons. There will be some extra challenges in as well to throw some of you guys off track. Some of them will be easy to some and hard to others. Okay change into your swim suits and go to the cliff," Chris smiles.

Owen face drops,"Another cliff dive. No way. I almost died the last time," Owen panicked.

Chris nods,"Congratulations picking up the clues Owen. We are doing the very first challenge from the first all stars. Dive in grab a key and try to get to the spa hotel," Some of the contestants nodded and understood others were freaking out,"Now I'm being nice and go change," Chris yelled. The campers grabbed their bags and ran to the bathroom to change.

Confessional- Owen

"No way am I doing a cliff dive again. But I suppose I have to for my team," Owen groans

End confessional-

Confessional- Gwen

"Being nice? Oh come on," Gwen laughs uncontrollably

End confessional-

As the campers come back in their swim wear on the top of the cliff all Chris can do is smile,"Well took you guys longer than expected but let's start. Jump into the shark infested water. Grab a key run back to the spa hotel. Once you find a key that opens the hotel you win. But each team has to wait until there teammate comes back before they dive," Chris explained.

"So who's going to jump first," Heather asked the bears. Nobody moved just small glances at each other,"Oh for Pete sake some of you guys have done a cliff dive before. And DJ if you chicken out again you are dead meat," Heather points at DJ he looks down.

"Alright guys I got this," Tyler spoke as he pointed to himself. His teammates looked at him funny. Noah slaps his forehead. Tyler runs off the cliff and goes into a dive,"Extreme," Tyler yelled at he dove into the water. The wolf and the bears looking down from the cliff edge.

Noah shakes his head,"He can't even see well underwater," Noah told the others.

"Come on guys! They already have a person down there," Heather pointed towards the water. Tyler rose to the top holding a silver key. He swam out and started running towards the hotel,"Fine I'll do it," Heather jumps off screaming. Hitting the water with a splash. The bears cheered for her.

Confessional- Gwen

"Out of everything I have done in this show. Cheering for Heather is one of the weirdest," Gwen crossed her arms,"Hopefully we win this thing fast,"

End confessional-

Tyler rushes back to his team with a frown,"Didn't budge," Tyler shrugs.

Brick smiles looks down the cliff and jumps into the water. Heather rose with a golden key. She hurried to swim to shore and began running. Brick then rose with a bronze key his team cheered and he got out of the water fast and made a run for it.

Confessional- Jo

"I'm glad I don't got soggy pants on my team. But I have gothy, old Heather, the beast, princess, sweetheart game boy, and crazy," Jo spoke with moving her fingers as if she was counting,"I don't care about the others yet as long as they aren't brain dead,"

End confessional-

Heather made it back mad and tired,"Oh finally wanna be," Jo spoke and Heather glared. Jo jumps off,"Yeah baby," Jo landed into the water.

Brick comes back to his team,"No luck team. But we can still do this," Brick cheered. Noah rolls his eyes. Alejandro just didn't know what to say,"So, team who's jumping next. We have lost our lead," They look at each other then back at the water when they hear the other team cheer. Jo has found a key a gold one and was heading to the hotel.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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