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Janardhana's heart sank. Paralyzed? How could this be? He had heard of women who died in childbirth, but he had never heard of a woman being paralyzed.

"What do you mean, paralyzed?" He demanded, his voice rising in panic.

The midwife took a deep breath and steadied herself. "I'm sorry, Rayare. I think there might be something wrong with the medicine that was given to the queen. She's not moving at all, just flapping her eyelashes."

Janardhana's mind raced. How could this have happened? Who could have done this to Kasturi? It can't be any careless act, it's definitely a pre planned thing. He felt a wave of anger and despair wash over him.

"Get the royal physician at once!" He barked, his voice echoing through the chamber. "And find out who gave her the medicine. I want answers, and I want them now!"

Durgamba's heart sank at the news. She had hoped that the king's first wife would give birth to a son, an heir to the throne. A daughter was not what she had expected, and she knew that this would not bode well for the kingdom.

But her disappointment was soon replaced by a deeper concern. Her daughter-in-law is been paralyzed during childbirth, and her condition was critical.

Janardhana was beyond devastated as he saw his wife Kasturi lying lifelessly on the bed. His heart was heavy with grief and anger as he remembered the events that led to this tragedy. Few moments ago, they were surrounded by escasty and joy of spring but now, Janardhana could barely control his rage as he saw her

As he stood there, tears streaming down his face, he heard the soft cries of his newborn daughter. He turned to see the midwife holding the tiny baby in her arms. She looked at him with a sympathetic expression, but he could see the fear in her eyes as well. He rushed towards her and took his daughter in his arms, holding her close to his chest. He could feel her tiny heart beating rapidly against his chest, and he knew that he had to be strong for her.

Turning back to his wife, he knelt beside her bed and held her hand tightly. "Kasturi, please wake up," he whispered, his voice shaking with emotion. But there was no response from her, and he felt a surge of anger and helplessness overwhelm him. "Oyy, it was you who was possessive at a mere imaginary sight of our kid clinging unto me, why are you silent, now?"

He turned to the midwife and asked, "How could this happen?"

The midwife looked at him with a pained expression and stuttered, "Forgive me, rayare. But it's beyond our understanding."

Janardhana gritted his teeth in anger and muttered, "Stupid treacherous snake." He mumbled beneath his breath.

He didn't knew, who it was but deprived of any assistance or orders from the higher authority nothing can't be done by the maids as well amdist the tight security and especially in the birth chamber.

Grasping her palm, he placed it on the forehead of his daughter. He sat there, holding his daughter in one arm and his wife's palm in the other, he felt a sense of determination surge through him just for his daughter.

Kodandha leaned to the wall with his hands crossed against his rough chest. "Hey Ranganatha, what's happening, here?"

Here Narayanacharya went numb at the declaration. "Oh svami Ranganatha, why are you so cruel towards my daughter." He claimed a cry.

"Oh Ranganatha, what am I seeing? Why didn't you take away my sight. It's far better than seeing my sister like a corpse." Bhairava mourned as he closed his slightly-slanted almond eyes.

There, Vani sat with a remorse. Her face drenched with tears. "Oh Deva, let our fates exchange." Her voice was filled with genuine concern.

" Her voice was filled with genuine concern

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