Chapter 1

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The bright autumn sun shined down on a track and field course on a late Tuesday afternoon. A rich and bustling college campus was filled with students, teachers, and athletes alike. A slightly taller-than-average girl ran down the pathway trying to train for the bi-annual track meet. Her 5'6 athletic body had relatively small breasts, which aided in her swiftness when she was moving at high speeds. Her red ponytail bobbed up and down in the wind as her white and red sneakers trod on top of the track, gliding across it swiftly with her slender legs. Her tight form-fitting red shorts moved with her bottom stretching and adjusting to her rapid movements. Her cute apple bottom butt rippled slightly as her thighs went back and forth absorbing the impact along with her athletic and well-trained legs. She could feel her heart pounding out of her chest as her feet bounced up and down the pathway. She started to turn to the left, cutting in and turning on her heels as she continued racing down the track as fast as she could. She struggled to feel energized, starting to get fatigued, slowing her breathing through her cute nose and out of her thin pink lips making her way closer to the finish line. "Fuck. I'm so tired...come on..." She turned again onto the final lap of the course, seeing her coach, a 5'8 Asian woman with dark hair covering the right side of her face, she smiled, cheering her on from the sidelines, clapping loudly. "Come on Kate! You're almost there!" Naomi was just slightly taller than Kate sporting modest C-cup breasts neatly tucked under her thin black and white jacket. Her coach waved her in holding a stopwatch as she heard her huffing and puffing barely able to stand up as she held onto her knees coated in sweat.

"Ugh...sorry. I'm so tired today." - "It's alright Kate. Here, have some of this." Naomi finished taking a few sips out of her water bottle before handing it over. Kate got up and started guzzling it down, stopping immediately at the flavor. It was bitter and slightly tangy and had a weird aftertaste. "Naomi? What is this? Doesn't taste like water." She nodded and replied, "Oh sorry, I filled it with this new protein mix, go ahead you can have as much as you want." She looked back at her and smiled seeing her eyes begin to light up. Kate's body suddenly felt a rush of energy unlike anything she's ever had. She perked up and smiled, lifting the bottle back up and drinking down more only slightly bothered by its bitter flavor. "Oh, you like it huh?" - "Tastes gross, but I feel way better. What's in this stuff? Electrolytes?" Naomi looked off into the distance getting distracted seeing a huge Russian woman with long black hair rush by at an incredible speed. Her legs were enormously bulging with thickness and size, rippling with strength as she left imprints in the dirt making her way rapidly down the track. Her giant breasts bounced up and down in a hypnotizing rhythm matching her two massive legs leaving large foot sized imprints in the track path. She turned off the track onto the field leaving footsteps in the dirt before slowing down as the rest of her body jiggled. She jogged over to a man in the middle of the racing ring without even breaking a sweat. She spoke to herself nodding as she looked at the scoreboard checking the time. "Not bad." She smirked looking back down at the man beneath her. "Something like that..." Naomi muttered and continued focusing her gaze down at the Russian woman now towering over an average-sized man down by the other side of the track.

She was standing a whole head taller than him, over half a foot bigger than him in height. He nervously asked her some questions, writing on his clipboard. "Natasha! You look incredible! And might I say what a fantastic lap you just ran!" - "Thank you, little man." - "Just a few days ago you were only an inch or two taller than me, how did you grow and how'd you do it so fast?" Natasha blushed rolling her eyes batting them frivolously before grinning devilishly down at him. "'s just a little growth spurt, nothing to be ashamed about, you should see my mother, Ivanka, she's even bigger than me!" - "Really? Wow...well, it seems pretty clear who has a leg up this year, haha!" - "Yeah...I was really hoping for some competition, but it looks like nobody here will be able to match me." - "How tall are you now?" - "I am 6'4 and my mother, Ivanka is 6'6." - "Good god! *ahem* I mean, that's amazing!" - "Da. I am hoping to get a bit bigger before the race. I want to be at peak physical performance." - "Bigger?! Oh lord...Well, there are only three days left before the race starts, so there isn't much time left!" - "Excuse me, I must go. It's been fun talking to you tiny man." - "Oh! Okay, I'll see you later! Good luck!" The referee scratched the back of his neck nervously as he watched her walk off, unable to keep his eyes off of her giant jiggly ass that swayed back and forth hypnotized by its size and incredible thick roundness.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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