Chapter 4- Dream

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Seek POV:

It's getting late..and I have to sleep..and get through the dream. Maybe the woman is friendly, maybe she will tell me something special.

I walk further and further..


Soon enough I reach my domain.

" Hello, eyes.. " I feel crazy talk to them, but they echo a voice back

" Hello seek! You are interacting with us after a long time! Which makes us feel joy.. "

" Heh..glad to hear "

I open my ink puddle and get to my room. I lay down on the bed, and fall asleep turning off my broken lamp..well, I pretended to.

Seek wakes up in the dream

My vision is feels kind of weird, it feels so's not really what I'd call a lucid dream, like I'm in another demension. It's all white, and I hear some very quiet humming. I can't hear it properly, so I walk further and further. It gets louder, and then I see a long..dark haired woman..sitting down but she's facing the other way. Her humming is very beautiful. Is this the melody she was talking about? It sounds familiar.

 Is this the melody she was talking about? It sounds familiar

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I get closer to the woman, but I'd also keep a distance..who is she?..

"uhm..hello?.. " she'd stop humming. I'd get a bit scared..

" Hello, darling. " Her voice seems calm, she hadn't turn around yet.

" Uh..who are you? "

" Kind of strange seeing you ask me that.. "

" What do you mean? "

" I should remember me...but it's fine sweetie, I'll make you figure it out yourself. "

" How?..can't you just tell me?.. "

" You wouldn't believe me..besides, you'll be on a little journey. Discovering new things. "

" Okay? that's why you bring me here.. "

" Listen to my message carefully.. "
Will she tell me something important? This is all happening so quick, I can't understand..

" By the garden, the pond you shall see. In the reflection, is what you shall call 'me'.

Singing my melody, will trigger a light so bright. Listen to her as she tells her story..and tells you about your life..

Remember this... "

Suddenly I wake up, gasping. I remember every part of that dream, it wasn't really felt like I was there. It was daytime and I should try to understand 'her' message.

So, by the garden? Maybe referring to the green house. Before the entrance wasn't that beautiful, now it expanded and there is a fountain with a pond, sometimes ducks and rabbits. So I have to go there.

I soon enough reach it, and then look down at the pond. I hope no other entity reaches to me. So I look at my's just me.
So the woman said ' sing my melody '
Which means I should just hum what she was humming.

I then hum the song how I remember it while staring at my reflection, it's changing..I'm looking more of..human?! look at my hands, but I'm still the same. It's just an illusion? myself as a human, it's been so long since I've seen my other form. I keep humming and a huge blue light flashes my eyes, and then I come in a very dark room. In front of me is..guiding light?..

guiding light?

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" Hello,seek.. "

" Huh? Guiding light? What are you doing here.."

" sang a melody that..I kind of remembered and I think I know why you also know it..she always used to sang it to you. "

" Will you tell me anything?.. "

" Ah yes.. I've seen you have gotten access to, 'The Rooms' go to the entities and ask about..Sama.. they'll understand "

" Sama?..alright.. "

" kind of remind of a particular boy.. your voice... "

" What do you mean? "

" I think his name was..Oliver? "

End of chapter

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