Chapter 7*

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TW: Panic attack a few paragraphs in. It doesn't last that long. There is also yelling and physical fighting at the very end of the chapter. 

I groaned as I woke up to the piercing ring of a phone call coming in. I didn't even look at the clock or the caller ID, I just denied it and rolled back over. Not even a minute later, the sound was piercing my ears again. Who would call this early in the morning? It felt like my brain was being stabbed. I answered the call and haphazardly held the phone up to my ear.

"What is it?" I half mumbled, half snapped. "It's too early for this so it'd better be important," I added. I just wanted to go back to bed. I was having a really good dream about an all you can eat cinnamon french toast stick buffet. If only they existed in real life. I woke up a little more when Charlotte's voice came through on the other end.

"Don't freak out," she started. I sighed. Anything prefaced by that phrase coming from that girl meant I was probably going to freak out. "I talked to all of our professors and got us excused from classes today. I wanted to help you recover from yesterday, I know you haven't gone through something like that in a long time so I wanted to spend a day with you for some TLC."

"Charlotte, that's very sweet of you. I just don't have that much money that I can afford to spend on anything but food right now. I'm stranded until I get more."

"Money isn't a worry babes, I'll pay for everything! Come on, you didn't think I was going to make you pay for yourself when the whole point is for you to be taken care of, did you?" Charlotte's tone sounded teasing and sassy. I rolled my eyes so hard it was surprising she couldn't hear it through the phone.

"Even if you pay, it's going to be crowded. I have too much anxiety to be around that many people, especially after yesterday. You know that Char." I rolled onto my back and rested my free forearm over my eyes. I wished the sun wasn't a giant fireball that felt the need to try to blind me every three seconds.

"Oh I do know that! That's why I got us out of school, everyone's in class. The people who have off right now have class later and are in their dorms getting their things together. It would be us, the employees, and a few stragglers in any store that we went to," she still sounded sassy, but now she sounded cheery too. This cheeky little shit. She knew how to get around any excuse I could give her.

"Wouldn't we only have so much time to ourselves? I'm not a fast thinker when it comes to choosing things that I want. It might take me hours to pick between a drink flavor if you catch me on the wrong day, and you seriously caught me on the wrong day," I had nothing else. If this didn't work I was doomed to a hell of shopping craze.

"That's the point of us having all day silly!" Charlotte wasn't visible, but I could hear the smug smile that was probably on her face right now. I let out an aggressive groan.

"I appreciate you thinking about me babes, but I really would rather stay in my room alone. I have my stuffy, my pillow, my blanket, and my best friend sleep," I yawned in the middle of my sentence. I laughed at the overly offended gasp that came as a response.

"Excuse me, for one I am your best friend, not sleep. How dare you cheat on me with something that's not even animate! Secondly, I know you're shut down from going through an intense episode like you did yesterday. I'm not going to let you stay alone and I am definitely not going to leave you alone, babes. I'll be at your dorm in twenty, regardless of your perspective on it."

The line hung up before I was able to respond. I sighed, rubbed my eyes, and rolled off of my bed. The only issue was that I forgot to use my feet to catch myself and I fell face first onto the floor. Feeling like half of the bones in my body were going to break was definitely a sensation to wake me up. I dejectedly peeled myself off the floor and grabbed one of my outfits to wear.

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