chapter 10

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Lilith had been gazing at the water for hours by the time it got dark. not once did the mill of chaos in her brain take a break. it was exhausting. even as she laid down in the small tent and fell asleep, it did not leave her alone. she slept restlessly, trapped in dreams that attacked her, made her feel worthless yet powerful in the worst ways at the same time.
she had been connected to dark magic since birth. all dark type fairies were, of course, but it was different for her. her mother, and grandmother, and the mother of her and her mother again, each of them had something in common. the magic that coursed through their veins was tainted, filled with the sparks of evil that tried to corrupt their hearts. 

all of her life she had tried so hard to keep that power in, or if she did need to let it out, to use it for good. it was the only dark magic in existence, as far as she knew. how could there be any others, if she was the descendant of the witch that had created the very thing? but what she saw, what she felt back there, that wasn't her power. it wasn't the same. those thoughts haunted her through the realm of her dreams, and refused to leave her alone.

There was little relief in waking up. once she finally did, the sun sparkly reflecting on the water in front of her, all she felt was a horrifying wave of worry. the black poison had spread not only from the village they had tried to get away from, it had started following them. Lilith jumped at the hand Ryo laid on her shoulder. ''We're almost there. one more town and the magical duo will be reunited, Lilith. you two can defeat this, whatever it may be.''
Lilith sighed heavily as she turned around. ''How can you be so sure we can? we haven't spoken in months and the last time we did, she chose him over me. our bond took a big hit by that. not just Maeve's, but all magic has a hint of your emotions in it. if i can't sense the bond we had, or she has trouble with it, the combined magic we had may very well be lost completely.''

''then why don't we remind her of who you are. the mighty, beautiful Lilith, master of dark energy, yet an advocate for good. you, Lilith, are amazing. and we'll help her see that.''
Lilith looked at him hesitantly, wondering what he could possibly do to achieve that.
''what exactly do you mean?'' 
''i was raised with manners. my mother thought the art of embellishing your face was quite the thing. for my sister, i mean! not me of course.  anyway, do you want me to teach you? we can make you extra pretty for Rayne when you meet again.''
Lilith smiled and nodded. she'd love that.

Ryo rummaged through the few items in the satchel he carried in his jacket, eventually pulling out a small, rounded stick of which the top was burned. then another, pointier one, and a tiny carved cup with a dark red substance inside. ''Okay. will you let me do it for you? please?'' she nodded. Ryo took the sharper stick and dipped it into the water, making the charred end give of it's black colour. ''Close your eyes. it won't hurt, but it's going to feel weird for a bit.'' with steady hands he drew the line along Lilith's lashes, adding little squiggles and dots around her eyes. with the rounded one he coloured the edge of her eyelids, patting the colour inwards with his finger. his touch was gentle, and he knew exactly what to do. ''Open your eyes.'' 
Lilith did as she was told, blinking a few times before the odd feeling of the charcoal went away. 
''Last touch.'' Ryo tapped his finger into the surprisingly firm substance in the cup, then colouring Lilith's lips with it. proudly he declared she was all done, and urged her towards the water. 

in the now calmed water, Lilith saw her reflection. she looked like her, but she also didn't. it was beautiful. she looked like a goddess. a tear welled up at the corner of her eye, but Ryo quicly wiped it away before it touched the colour. ''Gotta be careful with that. it runs if it gets wet.''
Lilith chuckled. ''I'll keep that in mind. Thank you. it must've been hard, having to learn all this when you didn't want it.''
Ryo fumbled in his response, unsure if she knew or meant something else. Lilith smiled at him. 
''i checked on you at the house two nights ago. i can't imagine how you must feel, but, i want you to know i would never treat you differently. never. i'm not like most of the others either, anyway. if i can love a girl, you can be a man. it's who you are inside that matter most, and that didn't change. be who you are. the right people will love you anyway.'' 

Lilith left to pack up the tents, leaving Ryo alone, tears rolling down his cheeks. never before had anyone been so understanding about it, let alone encourage him to be himself. she really was one of a kind, and a great person. through the tears he murmured a thank you, the smile creeping on his face chasing  them away. 


It took until just before nightfall for the three to reach Rayne's village. as the wagon came to a halt, Lilith both dreaded and was excited for the same thing; seeing Rayne. while jorbo tied up the horses, Lilith and Ryo headed into town. for some reason, the young man beside her seemed even more anxious than Lilith was. 
the streets were quiet, borders of leftover snow making them feel magical as the light from inside the homes fell through their windows. it was beautiful. but it didn't seem like the quiet life would be something they'd ever see rayne in. she was a warrior at heart, not a housewife. 
the two were met by a woman stepping out the door just as they turned around to face her house, looking for Rayne. she had long curly hair in a shade that reminded Lilith of coffee, which paired with her light brown skin and the white markings on her face. they were similar to Ryo's, actually.

the woman stood before them with surprise on her face, surprise that quickly turned into recognition as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. ''Ryoko... you came back.'' 
Ryo uncomfortably nodded, giving in to the old version of who he was. ''Hi, mom.''
Lilith grabbed his arm and whispered into his ear. ''Remember who you are. if you're not honest and strong with her, it'll only get harder and harder. you can do it, okay?'' ''Okay.''
he turned to his mother, his eyes set fierce. ''i came back because of Lilith. i'm her apprentice. you know why i left and you know i'm a boy. i am not your daughter. i am your son. and my name is Ryo. accept that, or we will never speak each other again.''

Elena let the tears pour over her face as she explained. 
''I'm sorry. you have to know i never meant to tell you you're not you. listen, when i was young, i fell in love. but not with who i was supposed to fall in love with. not with a man. and my entire family, my village, everyone around me, they all hated me for it. they banished me and the girl from their grounds. she went on and ran away with someone she fell in love with, and so did i. but it wasn't for me. because i came out for it too early, i was forced into a life i didn't want. you are the only good thing i have had in my life since that day. i wanted to spare you that misery of being alone.'' she dropped the basket in her hands and took a step closer to her child.
''I hate myself for not letting you be who you are. my wings are a symbol of pride and purity. i don't wear them out of the shame i felt for how i treated my own blood.'' she hugged Ryo, grasping him tight. ''I love you, Ryo. i always have and i always will, okay?'' she let go of him and looked into his eyes, cupping his face. ''You're my handsome and strong son. how could i not love you for who you are?''

Ryo hugged her back. hesitantly at first, but soon enough he and his mom were wrapped in a loving embrace. when they let go, elena wiped the tears from her eyes and turned to Lilith. 
''you're looking for Rayne, right? she's told me about you before.'' Lilith nodded. ''She's just up ahead, then one left. it's the kind of solitary house. she should definitely still be up by now. i think she'll be delighted to see you, love. she missed you.''
''thank you. Ryo, are you staying with your mother, or would you like to come to Rayne's house?'' Ryo shook his head. ''I think it's better you do this one alone. i'll be fine here.''

Lilith dragged her feet as she walked over to the house. a single, soft knock on the door was enough to have the door open for her. in the doorway, she was met by Aaron.

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