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Stretching his arms and letting out a tired exhale, Lee Know made his way out of an office building after getting informed of potential work outside of town...again.
As thankful as he was for the consistency in his occupational life as a fairly well respected dance teacher, staying away from his shared home, friends and— not to mention— his three cats, was starting to get a little emotionally draining.

Nevertheless, that disappointment was shrugged off as the sudden cold stole his attention, the slight rumble of clouds and gently drizzling sky turning into a fairly heavy onslaught of rain as the sun started to set.
Whipping out his umbrella, Lee Know took his time walking on the pavement leading up to his home, enjoying the hiss of the wind against the cold water droplets filling the air— his indulgent humming eventually interrupted by a faint meow dampened by the heavy showers.

He turned toward the direction of the little sound, looking down to his right with a spark of joy in his eye. Lee Know loved cats, and seeing one come up to him after a tiring meeting was all he needed on his lonesome walk home. In fact, this black alleycat in particular is one he would run into almost every other day crossing this street. Lee Know felt his heart bloom at the familiar mewl asking for attention below him.

He smiled to himself, crouching down and tilting the umbrella to cover the drenched feline as well.

The cat had raven fur slicked against it's small shivering body, sitting next to Lee Know under the shade.
Minho gently murmured,
"Well, hello again...", while slowly reaching a hand out, which the black cat unhesitatingly sniffed before nuzzling, its receptiveness pleasantly surprising Lee Know. Knowing he shouldn't bring any more cats home, he made a conscious effort to limit his interaction to only cooing at the animal from afar— that was until now

"...Friendly, aren't you?", he said fondly, letting himself get attached, disregarding his rule after a rather tiresome meeting, allowing himself to pat and indulge in the sight of the cat that happened to be the first thing to actually make him smile today.

The dark cat purred as it looked up at him with big, shiny eyes and Lee Know sighed knowing there was no way he could consciously leave this stray out in the rain, especially if it had come to him seeking shelter in the first place. It's not like he hadn't been distancing himself from this particular kitty before but one pat is all it took for Lee Know to get entirely attached.
...they're not gonna like this...
Lee know thought to himself, knowing his roommates will be less than enthusiastic about him bringing another cat around.

Regardless, Lee Know walked a few steps ahead to see if the animal would follow him and—surely enough, it stuck right next to him. With a fond smile refusing to escape him, Minho made his way back to his place alongside his 'old' friend.

Upon unlocking the entrance in front of the porch, Lee Know turned to pick up the cat, expecting some resistance but being impressed if not worried at the feline's oddly compliant and docile nature.
He wondered if it had truly grown that attached to him. The thought made him smile and Minho finally said,

"...I'll call you Binnie.", Always wanting to name the cat all these months but afraid he would get too emotionally invested. The cat meowed in response and Minho looked at it wondering if he was crazy to think it was actually listening to him. After a moment's deliberation, he closed the umbrella and decided to go inside.

Finally creaking the door open with his foot before letting it shut itself as he held Binnie, hoping to sneak his way inside and deal with Hyunjin and Chan's complaints tomorrow. After hanging the umbrella on the coat rack, he began quietly stepping towards the staircase to reach his room on the upper floor.

Kitty Binnie ! ^•ﻌ•^ฅ♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang