Chapter 4: Two friends can play mini golf together right?

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Cody's POV; 

"are you ready?" Matt asks. I nod. By now, I am very used to doing shows as I have been doing it for three years. It gives me an incredible rush, I love it! 

"Good luck!" everyone say and I run out on stage as screams fill the venue. I love this. 

What boy wouldn't like thousands of girls screaming when you walked into a room? 

It always feels like time is flying by whenever we do these shows, and we are already half-way through when I find it too hot to keep wearing this jacket. I take it of, exposing the t-shirt I have on underneath. It's a huge confidence boost when the crowd screams as I take it off. 

I look out at the crowd when I suddenly see a familiar face. Is that... Ashley?

I smile at her, hoping her eyes will meet mine and as they do, my smile grows bigger. She actually came to my show? 

I smirk, continuing the show - but Ashley doesn't leave my mind once. 

Ashley's POV: 

As the concert finish and everyone move towards the doors, I decide to hang back. I am not in the mood to get crushed tonight. I did truly enjoy the show though, even if I would'nt go if it wasnt for my undeniable attraction towards Cody. 

As the floor cleared, I got up, walking towards the doors. "Leaving already?" Someone said behind me. I turn around and saw Cody. Sweat was dripping from his face from the show. "well yes.." I answer honestly, not sure what to say next. 

The way he was looking at me though... it made me think maybe he did find me interesting? 

"Did you enjoy the show?" 

I laugh, "Surprisingly, yes. You were really in your element up there". 

Cody laughs as well, before he goes quiet. It seems like he is debating something with himself. 

"Listen.. I know I have said so many times that we can't hang out. But maybe we should?" I ask. I have never really been afraid of rejection, as my mentality is always that life goes on. But as the sentence had left my mouth, I became nervous that the chance was gone. 

His eyes light up as I ask him, and he's visibly more comfortable now. 

"Yes! Definitely!"  

"Okay then" I smile. 

"Okay". We stand there just smiling at each other before someone calls Cody's name. 

"I guess I have to go. But I will text you" he says, before coming closer to me, as if to give me a hug. I step back, and he is a little bit confused before I say "Please do! And I have to pass on the hug, you stink". 

He laughs. Oh my, that laugh. 

"Fair enough"

His name is once again called and he sighs, but says goodbye before walking backstage. I smile at myself from the development, and walk back home. 

I am very excited by the fact that Cody seems to be as attracted to me as I am to him. Sure, I could've been less awkward but honestly don't every girl feel that way after speaking to someone they are interested in? 

As I walk through my front door, mom is coming out from the bathroom. She is wearing a tank top now and it actually seems like her stomach has grown. My mom has always had a lean figure, which I have thankfully inherited. I have seen her pictures from when she had Sebastian and I, and it looks very similar to know. 

PS: I Love You! (A Cody Simpson Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now