Intro to Wren

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I sit alone in my dark room. The news is on the TV, but all I can hear is my thoughts racing through my head. I've never felt this much anxiety and buzzing in my stomach. I look down at the unsent text to Stella. "I can't hide this from you. I don't want to ruin our friendship, but every time I'm around you I can't help but to feel feelings I don't think I've ever had for a person before. I get if this makes you feel different about me but..." My door swings open and I look towards the bright light peering through the doorway. "It's 9:13, why don't you have your phone on the counter?" My dad says as he checks the time on my alarm clock that's sitting on my nightstand right next to me. His eyebrows are raised. "I'm just making sure I've completed my portion of the project I was assigned today. People are going crazy in the English 102 group chat. Sorry, I will put it away once we're done discussing what parts of the project I had to do tonight." He looks down at my phone, clearly on Stella's text, and looks up at me. "No later than 9:30 please. You were very quiet tonight at dinner and we all assumed you were tired. Get some sleep. Goodnight." I open my mouth to say goodnight but my door was already shut and I'm left alone in my room again. I stare at the only light in my room now, which is the TV, and read the newest headline. "Teen girl ran away from home. Parents worried sick. 19 search parties will not stop looking until she's home safe." I blow air out my nose and shake my head. "Keep runnin' girl."

I shoot up in bed and look at the time. "12:47am" the clock blinks. The alarm clock light is the only light in my room now, and I search around for my phone. It appears to not be in my room anymore. "Really, dad?" I jump out of bed and slowly open my door. I walk down the cold, quiet hallway, passing the loud snores coming from my dad's bedroom. I reach the granite countertop and search with my hands, avoiding turning on the light. I find my phone and click it on. *Snapchat notification from Stella* My heart beats faster. I totally forgot to respond to her...

I open the phone to a very confused Stella. "Damn, you really had me on the edge of my seat." The last thing I had texted her was that I needed to talk to her. I never got to finish that text. I delete the message and start new. "hey lol. fell asleep." I close my phone and turn around the the fridge. Nothing looks good to me in there, so I turn to the pantry. I grab a granola bar and as I start to my room again, my phone vibrates twice, indicating a snap message. I check and it's Stella. Why is she up still? "I'm still waiting, Wren. Can't keep me waiting for forever though!" I sigh and type out the same message. I look it over about 100 times before hitting send. I nervously bite my granola bar and turn my phone away so I can't see the screen. I wait about three minutes before I hear one vibrate. My heart goes absolutely insane. I wait longer. Nothing. After four more minutes of silence, I hear another buzz against the countertop. I swipe it open slowly and see six terrifying words. "I don't know what to say..." I let out the air I've been holding for the past seven minutes, look down at the ground and squeeze my eyes shut. Is that good or bad? I should not have even said anything. 

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