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The sound of my alarm startled me awake. Another school day... At least I got my homework done last night. I start to get ready for school when I realized what happened the night before. I rush to the kitchen to grab my phone, only to see no notifications.

Great. This is gonna be the most awkward day ever.

I get ready for school anxiously and think about how today is gonna go. I head towards the front door and start my walk to school.

As soon as I enter school, I see Stella in our usual meeting spot by the big oak tree. She has two coffees in her hand.

"Hey!" She yells out to me. I approach her a little more skiddish than usual and do an awkward wave. "I was up early this morning doing homework, so I decided to stop by the coffee shop before school. Here, I got you your favorite."

She hands me the coffee. My order was spot on. She knows me so well.

We walk to first hour together and she talks the whole time. "Yeah and I had to answer about 36 questions about this one pager that talked all about mammals. How can one have so many questions about mammals?"

The question is rhetorical but I answer anyways. "I don't know man, I feel like we don't need to learn about stupid shit like that, we need to learn how to pay our bills and change a car tire."

"EXACTLY!" She yells out. A few people look over.

"Stella, lower your voice. You're getting the attention from people I don't think you want attention from." A tall blonde girl looks over from her group of mini me's and walks towards us.

"Well, hello Stella!" She looks us both up and down.

"Hey Lyla..." Stella looks down at the floor, but then back up at her. I see her gaze all over Lyla... and I soon think she WANTS her attention after all...

They continue to talk about the homework they both worked on early this morning and my heart sank. Lyla has NEVER been this nice to us. She has always made fun of my huge glasses and awkward sense of humor. Lyla's eyes are ALL over Stella. They both are the complete opposite of me and I can only imagine Lyla doesn't understand why Stella is even friends with me.

Lyla and Stella laugh about something and Lyla walks back to her group. "God she's so perfect and funny." Stella says slightly under her breath. We walk the rest of the way to our first class together and all I can do is stare at the floor and think about the absolute emotion rollercoaster I just experienced. Were we not ever going to talk about last night?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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