Untitled Part 4

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Ok so there's a quote that my teacher said "I thought you were bringing me a chicken patty" here is what it means. Ok so Randal's wife is the cafeteria lady and since this is a small school(and I'm talking real small, like a little over a hundred kids for tk kindergarten and grades 12345678 so yeah) we have a lot of extra food so Randal's wife, let's call her Camille , gives him one extra piece of food every day. Normally on wensdays we have Chocolate chip cookies but for the season of thanksgiving we had like these really good pumpkin spice cookies and they looked like golden brown but a bit darker and sometimes we have chicken burgers on the menu and so when Camille brought Randal his lunch after she served everyone he saw the cookie and said is that a chicken burger and she said no he was like "I thought u were bringing me a chicken patty" and the whole class just laughed and that quote is what started the quote board.

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