Home Again-

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It was dinner time now and Tommy has found all his old friends from the last camps, and the new ones he had made during all the activities. On the menu tonight was Spaghetti and Meat balls, one of Tommy's favourite meals at camp. "#ATTENTION CAMPERS!#" Phil's Voice blasted over the loud speaker "#LIGHTS OUT WILL BE AT 9 PM TONIGHT BECAUSE WE HAVE A LONG DAY AHEAD OF US TOMORROW#". He could hear heaps of people groan and complain because of the early curfew but Tommy didn't mind, he wasn't going to sleep anyways, so why bother complaining.

 Him and a couple of his friends had decided to pull an all nighter to celebrate the first day at camp, what could possibly go wrong? They have been doing this little tradition for a few years now, they all brought Sweets and Soda from home and share it with the group. And they have never been caught once. 

As soon as he finished dinner he raced to the showers, hoping to make it there before all the hot water runs out. He got to the showers to see about 30 people lined up before him, he groaned and turned around to go to his cabin. If he stayed in the line all the hot water would be gone before he could even start it. 

Tommy made it to the Cabin door, but before he could go in he could hear yelling, "great an argument on the first day of camp" he rolled his eyes before opening the door and walking in. "What the fuck happened?" Tommy yelled when he saw what happened, there was a massive hole in the side window, fuck knows how it got there. "Be careful where you step Toms" Tommy's friend Freddie said, he then looked down to see a pile of glass sitting on the floor. "I'm not even going to question it to be honest". 

The boys got the glass cleaned up, not before Phil walked in and saw the hole in the window, he wasn't impressed. By then it was 9 PM so everyone went to bed. All except Cabin 2B. 

"no don't, DON'T SNORT IT-!" you could hear from the Cabin. Its a surprise how they didn't end up getting in trouble. Around 1 AM they finally went to sleep, it wasn't exactly an all-nighter but it was good enough. Tommy was lying in his bed staring at the ceiling. 'Home again' He thought before he drifted off to sleep. 

The next morning, the campers had to wake up early because it was Beach day! all the cabins were assigned a camp Counselor for the rest of the year. That Counselor is in charge of making sure that their campers were safe and having fun throughout the duration of camp. Funny enough, Tommy's Cabin got assigned Wilbur as their counselor. Tommy was thrilled. 

"Alright everyone I hope you guys were listening to the instructions when we were in camp, because I will not be repeating myself."  Phill said as he walked onto the bus, there was chattering and laughter coming from all areas of the bus. "QUIET!" a second voice yelled, this time it was a woman. The whole bus went quiet, everyone looked towards the front to see a woman standing there. 

"Thanks Kristin" Phil smiled at his Wife, "You will be expected to listen to your Counselor and if you don't they have all the rights to send you back to camp! anyways I hope you have a good time at the beach and I expect to hear heaps of stories about what you guys did". He said before walking back off the bus, the bus driver then closed the door and off they went.

Tommy had his headphones in, he was trying not to fall asleep, he didn't get much sleep last night, for obvious reasons. He was leaning against a window when someone interrupted him, "Is anyone sitting here? my friends kind of kicked me out of my seat-". Tommy looked up to see a girl from the Cabin beside his standing Infront of him.

"Yeah you can sit there" Tommy replied "I'm Tom" he stook his hand out slightly, wanting the girl to shake it. "I'm Em" she took his hand and shook it. Then she sat down. The two of them had a very hearty conversation before the bus stopped at their destination. 

"I'll see you later yeah?" Em asked Tommy "yeah of course" He replied, smiling. Everyone got off the bus and Em went to go hang out with her friends, then Tommy got bombarded with people. "Oooh someone's got a crush~" Freddie mocked Tommy, "is she nice at least?"  Toby asked. "Can yous just piss off?" Tommy spat, and walked away. 

The first activities the campers did was Kayaking, which they had to do in groups of 4, - three Campers, and one Counselor. Luckily enough, Wilbur didn't get paired with Tommy this time, instead he got the rest of his friends. However Tommy did get paired with Techno, Em, and Ran, Who was the one who caused the window smashing. 


word count: 855

WOO new chapter done :) I'm down to suggestions for like chapters for the story, or just stories you want to see in general :D just comment or DM me ig

Ight I'm off again^^ I'm going to start writing the new chapter 2nite probably maybe, so look forward to that as well.

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