Why Don't you Take a Little Swim?

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"Alright Campers!" The instructor said, "I will be teaching all of you how to Canoe Safely! My name is Ms. Puffy or just Puffy is fine". All you could hear after she had finished talking was chatter, chatter, chatter from the campers. "Does anyone have any questions?" She asked, "do you think we will see any Sharks?" one kid asked, "its not likely but we could!" "What happens if we fall in?" another questioned "I will get to that after" she replied, "Do we have to do this?" "yes it is mandatory".

Everyone was excited, because after they learnt how to use a kayak properly, all of them got to race against each other to see who was paying attention. "OK the first group can come with me while the rest of you can go and eat something".

Tommy wasn't in the first group, 'thank god' he thought. He would hate to be the first ones and fall in or something, then he would have wet clothes until they went back to camp. "Oi Tommy come here" Techno called, "we have to discuss our game plan for the race". He rolled his eyes and walked over, he didn't really want to do the race, he was so tempted to hide in the bus or somewhere so he didn't have to do it. 

Group after group went on the Canoe, none of them fell in, which is a good thing mostly. But now Tommy is scared that he will be the one to fall in and humiliate himself. He just hoped that wouldn't happen. "Next!" he heard Puffy call, he took a deep breath and hopped onto the Canoe with the rest of his group. Minus Techno, who had to stay on land so Puffy could be in it. 

"So you got to make sure you are holding the paddle correctly, or else you will end up going in circles." She instructed, "Put your dominate hand on the top of the paddle and the other one holding onto the neck of it, so you're holding it like this." Tommy was doing good so far, he had Ran Infront of  him and Em behind, he learnt that if you fall out, it would be really hard to get back in the Canoe, he also learnt that if you tipped the Canoe, everyone would fall out. Resulting in everyone blaming him. 

They made the loop around the buoy now and were going back to the beach, when they got back, Tommy felt a sense of relief that he wasn't going to fall in anymore. The Canoe came to a stop so Em and Ran got out, leaving the paddle there, Tommy then tried to get out, but his foot got caught on something and he tripped, flailing his arms everywhere like a crazy person. 

He hit the sand with a loud 'THUD' and everyone was looking at him by now. "Are you alright?" he heard Puffy ask, he ignored her though. Tommy just stood up, brushed himself quickly, and basically ran off. The Sand, and Sea Water stinging in his eyes.

Tommy made his way to a tree and plonked himself against it, rubbing his eyes to try and get the stinging sensation to go away. "Hey Tommy?", turning around, Tommy saw that it was Wilbur, of course Will Followed him, why wouldn't he?. "Are you ok?" he asked, Tommy just nodded, still rubbing his eyes. "Are you crying??" "No! I just got Sand and stupid fucking sea water in my eyes!", he protested. "Chill I was only joking" Wilbur laughed for a minute then stopped. "Do you want to go get a burger or something? I'm pretty sure there's some on the grill".

The pair walked back to the barbeque and everyone else to see that there was in fact burgers and hot dogs on the grill. Tommy perked up when he smelt the food, stuff straight off the barbeque always made him happy. "Tom?", he turned around to see who was talking to him this time. It was Em. "yeah-?" he asked, then he took a bite out of the recently cooked hot dog, which was still very hot. "I wanted to know if you were ok for the race? because you kind of ran off-". he nodded in reply, still trying to down the food he ate. Em nodded as well and walked back to her group of friends. They were all giggling like someone told the funniest joke. 

The time finally came, it was race time, everyone stood in front of their Canoes, discussing their final game plan. "And their off!" Puffy commentated, the race was close, Tommy and his team were up front, trying to keep their lead.

All the teams were now paddling back to shore, heaps of them were trying to over take Toms team, but with no such luck. It was the final stretch now, and suddenly a team overtook Tommy, it was Toby and his lot. "Come on guys we have to beat them!" you could hear Tommy shout over all the wind. 

The race was finally over, Tommy's team won, only by a little though, they got out of the Canoe and started celebrating. It was a good day. 

One the way back, the bus was quieter than last time, most of the campers were asleep, including Tommy. Once they got back to camp though, it was loud again, the people who went to the beach were telling stories to the ones who didn't. Tommy was bragging to his friends that he won, which they got sick of fast. At the end of they day, everyone gathered at the Amphitheater to eat dinner. 

"Oh come on you couldn't at least be a little proud of me?" Tommy asked his friends, "we are proud of you, now can I eat my chicken in peace?" Toby rolled their eyes. 


Tommy looked around at his friends, who looked the worried, 'how did Phil find out about the party?' he thought, 'I mean we were pretty loud, but if he did hear us, why didn't he tell us off?'.

"#ONE LAST THING, CAN I SEE TOM SIMONS AFTER DINNER PLEASE?#" 'fuck, fuck, fuck' his brain was screaming at him, if he got kicked out his parents would riot.

After dinner, everyone left to their cabins, everyone except Tommy, he walked over to the head office, where he would find Phil sitting at the desk. "Ah Tommy! I wasn't expecting you to actually show up, I thought I would have to get a counselor to find you" he joked. "Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about the little 'party' you and your cabin had last night".

"...right well" he began to explain, everything, even the soda and Candy they had, and Phil just nodded. "I'm not mad alright? I just don't want it to happen again". 

Tommy agreed and ran back to his cabin, "what was that about?" Eryn asked as soon as he walked through the door "he just asked me about the little 'party' we had last night".


Ight I'm leaving it there because I have no more motivation to write lmao

Word count: 1219 (Big chapter today :D)

I might start writing more maybe it depends on how motivated I feel o-o

ALSO expect a new book to come out in the near future 😍

I have lots of ideas for Stories I can write but I can't write them all at once lol

Alright byebye 🏃🏃🏃

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