osu drama days!!!

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As Danny walked through the empty streets, the weight of his sorrow seemed to grow heavier with each step. His heart felt heavy, burdened with the pain of lost love. He thought about Naks, the one who had captured his heart and held it captive for so long. But now,  he was gone, and he was left with nothing but memories.

The memories flooded his mind, replaying like a broken record, each one more painful than the last. He remembered the way she used to laugh, her infectious smile, and the way hiseyes would light up when he saw him. But now, those eyes were gone, and with them, his joy.

Danny couldn't shake the feeling that he had lost a part of himself when Naks had left. He had tried to move on, but it seemed like he was stuck in a perpetual state of sadness. He missed his more than he could ever express, and it seemed like no amount of time would ever heal the hole in his heart.

As he walked aimlessly through the deserted city, Danny couldn't help but wonder if he would ever feel whole again. All he knew was that, without Naks, his world felt empty and meaningless.

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