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February 11 2013

Dear diary, my name is Harry Styles. I just turned 15, february first. Im a freshman in a school in Los Angeles. We moved here from Chesire after eight grade so i could go my high school years in America, which i've dreamt of since forever. I got this diary at my birthdayparty this weekend so i decided to give it a try. I guess i'll write about everything. I like to write actually, Especially songs and novels. I like reading too and my favorite author is John Green. I love to bake and cook and i do that a lot. I have to go now, dinner's ready.

x Harry

February 13 2013

Do i have to start with 'dear diary'? it sounds very girlish to be honest. It's Harry again by the way. But i guess you could figure that out on your own since it's my diary. There was a new student in my class today. His name is Louis Tomlinson and he's really pretty. He's got beautiful eyes. I talked with him at lunch and he's really funny. Seems to be a good lad. I want to be his friend. I have two friends, Niall and Zayn. They're also brittish and we get along really well. They're actually coming over now, they should be here in any minute. We're going to bbq in my backyard and then we'll sleep in a tent. It'll be fun. Oh, they came now, bye!

x Harry

March 2 2013

Hi! it's been a while. I've been really busy. Louis and I have hung out a lot and we've been on a couple dates. I like him a lot. I also got my first kiss, by Louis Tomlinson himself. We kissed at the beach near my house in the sunset. We're going on a date tonight again, eating at some fancy (very excpensive) resturant i've never heard off. But Louis told me that the food was amazing so i guess i'll give it a try. He will pick me up in an hour so i have to take a shower soon. I think i'm gonna ask him to be my boyfriend tonight. i hope he'll say yes. Wow i made it sound like i was going to propose or something, haha. Wish me luck!

March 2 2013

He said yes!! We're offically together now! Oh my god im so excited about this. I mean i've never been in a proper relationship before. Right now he's in the bathroom and he'll spend the night at my house. The food was so delicious by the way, Louis were right (as usual). Now he's back, bye. Got some cuddling to do ;)

x harry

March 8 2013

hi again. Today is Louis & i one week anniversity. We've told our parents and theyre really happy for us. Couldn't ask for better parents, they're both really supportive. Or our moms and siblings. But Since Gemma's in UNI in England we have to wait to tell her. But she'll be coming over in may. I miss her alot. We're still going strong and i love him so much. I told him yesterday, that i loved him. And he smiled his beutiful smile, the one who's so big that his eyes wrinkled in such a cute way, and told me 'i love you' than he kissed me. Is it very girly to say that it was magical and that i fel sparkles? Because i did. Oh god, this is so cliché. I'm ill at the moment by the way. Having the flu. That sucks ha. Lou came over with flowers and a 'get well soon' card. Isn't he the cutest? It was 10 red tulips and they're really beutiful. I have them on my nightstand in a white wase. He couldn't stay to long though, he needed to help his mom with the siblings. He has 4 sisters. They're called Charlotte (Lottie), Felicite (Fizzy) and thenn there are the twing - Phoeby and Diasy. They're all just as nice as their brother. I'm gonna head back to sleep now, see you around!

x Harry

March 21 2013

Hii! This is Louis. Harrys boyfriend. He's in the shower. This book was open on his desk so i decided to leave a mark here. Don't worry Haz, i haven't read it. Yeah like i said im Louis Tomlinson. Well what am i supposed to write? I love Harry. He's so beautiful. And he's got curly hair. I also got 4 sisters i love a lot. And my mom of course. I'm a freshman in LA. How cool? Im from Doncaster by the way. God i suck at this. Lol bye / Louis :-)

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