Chapter Five - Save Me

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Miss Peregrine's POV :

Emma carefully pulled the rag out of my mouth so as to not hurt me, and I immediately started screaming and struggling as she started to untie me. I was unsure how long I was tied up for, all I remember is that as soon as I was able to move every one of my limbs again, I ran to the door. My heels weren't bothering me to run in for once - my comfort was the least of my problems. I'd heard everything that went down by the door - Barron threatening the children, him taking Juliette.

Of course, there were multiple ways for Juliette to get out of the situation. She could turn into some kind of insect and simply leave the cage, flying away back home. But I knew her, and I knew that she knew that if she escaped, they'd just come back here again to get me. I knew her well enough to know she wouldn't put the children in that kind of danger. I knew her well enough to know that she'd let the experiment happen, she would let them think that the experiment didn't work anymore, she would make sure they thought I was dead by getting herself killed.

I looked up the stairs. Emma was holding a crying Claire in her arms, while she wiped her own tears with her sleeve. Most of the younger children - Bronwyn, Millard and Hugh - were crying, but everyone else was standing frozen like a piece of ice. I jumped into action almost instantly, grabbing weapons to give to Enoch, Olive and Emma. I had to go and get Juliette, no matter how dangerous it was. If we had to, we could all go to a new loop so we would be safe from the dangerous people who would undoubtedly come looking for us.

"Now, children. I am going to go and collect Juliette. Enoch, Olive and Emma are in charge. Listen to everything they say. If I am not back before reset, you will need to go to a new loop - there's a map in my study. Don't stay too close by, though. If I do return and I say we have to, we will go and create a new loop so we're safe. I want everyone to stick with at least one of the people in charge while you all pack anything of importance. There are some spare weapons in my study in case of emergency only," I finished off before turning and rushing out the door. I thought I heard Olive yell my name as the door slammed behind me, but I paid no mind to it as I phased into a bird and flew off.

There was no doubt in my mind that Barron had set up his experiment in the loop of an ymbryne that he'd probably have captured in a cage like he had Juliette, so I would have to go to the closest ones. If they were not there, I would go to the further ones.

I ended up going to only two other loops before I found the one I needed. The only reason I knew it was the right one, was because somewhere in a large building I heard birds loud, sad tweeting and squawking - one of them I recognized as myself. Except Juliette wasn't making too much noise, just a quick sound every now and again that someone would almost confuse for a broken, human sob. I didn't phase back into a human when I entered the building. Being small and being able to fly would come in useful.

It didn't take me long to figure out that all the ymbrynes were in the basement. The fact that the sounds were low underground and they were echoing gave it away. There were multiple times I had to avoid wights at almost every turn, but when I was out of their view I was back to flying full speed ahead. I was unsure of exactly where to go, the only indicator that I was going in the right direction was the bird sounds, slowly getting louder and louder. I could almost make out which birds were there, now.

I phased back when I was just outside the door, removing a pin from my hair to pick the lock. I could hear the birds loud and clear in there, along with the somewhat confused - or maybe scared - sounds from Juliette as the lock was being picked. I almost had the lock unlocked when I heard someone walking down the hallway. Their footsteps were loud and too close for comfort - and deep inside, I knew who it was. I tried to rush myself, but instead accidentally dropped the pin on the ground. Stupidly, it made a loud sound - louder than it should have for such a tiny object.

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