Chapter Eight - Killed

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I was in the middle of slicing a carrot into appropriate pieces for supper when there was a knock on the door. I sighed, placed the knife down on the counter and left the kitchen. Alma was upstairs reading to the children, and I wasn't sure we were expecting anyone. I opened the door and almost jumped back when I saw the person who was here just days ago and kidnapped me. I sighed and placed my hands on my hips, completely bored of his antics. 

I didn't even give him a chance to say anything before I cut in, my voice filled with venom.
"She's not here, and even if she was she wouldn't be going with you," I snapped. I ignored the fact that one of his hands was an axe and tried to act as confident as I could. 
"Now, what makes you think that you can just show up here and try to kidnap Miss Peregrine?" I asked. He didn't answer, but there was a look on his face that sent a cold chill down my spine.

"If she comes with me, everyone else in this house will remain safe," he said. I knew for a fact that wasn't true, and he just threatened my family. My eyes narrowed.
"You wouldn't dare," I said. Something in the look I was giving him made him stagger backwards, but it wasn't enough to make him leave the property completely. Just to show how serious he was about what he said, he lifted his axe hand to my face, the blade hovering just an inch away from my nose. I was scared, but took a step forward anyway.

"You are going to leave this loop and never come back, or things are going to get really ugly," I threatened, pointing a finger in his face. But he didn't seem at all worried about my capabilities. He tried to push me out of the way so he could get into the house, but I didn't budge.
"This is your last chance to leave, and if you try to get past me again, I will bite your head off," I said, giving him one last chance to take me seriously and leave. Either way it probably wasn't a good idea to give him the option, but I hated being violent. When he didn't move, I sighed placed my hands on either side of the door frame and concentrated.

Within mere seconds I had turned into a big, brown bear. Finally, he took a few steps back. I could hear with my suddenly heightened hearing, the clicking of Alma's shoes and them stopping at the top of the stairs. Barron looked behind me, seeing Alma, and swiped at me with his axe hand. It sliced my shoulder, but the thick skin there mostly protected me. I growled and swiped at both his face and torso with my claws, blood splattering all over me with every swipe. Finally, when he was so close to death he probably wished he was, I opened my mouth and went though with my promise. I bit his head off before spitting it out. 

I phased back and turned around, not only Alma, but Emma and Enoch were standing a the top of the stairs. Olive was probably distracting the children from coming out in the other room. I only looked at them for a few seconds before turning back and hoisting the heavy dead man over my shoulder, holding his head under my arm. I stumbled a little and Enoch came to help me. I kept the head under my arm, but he held one end of the body while I held the other. Neither of us said anything the entire time we were working.

It took hours to bury the body, and when we were finally done, a dangerous thought occurred to me. If Barron doesn't return after a while, they'll definitely come looking for him. And there was no way in hell they didn't know where he was. Well, whenever they showed up, we'd be ready. I'd tear more heads to protect my family - I'd tear a million just to see them happy every day.

Back at the house, the blood in the doorway had been cleaned up and the children were downstairs now, I guess they'd decided moved their very long reading session. They were all in the sitting room, so I went to join them. Emma gave me a strange look and Alma quickly glanced at me before looking down at the book. Enoch tapped my shoulder and informed me that their was blood on my face - luckily the blood from my fur hadn't transferred to my clothes. I quickly scrubbed at my face with my sleeve, managing to get the blood off just as Claire, Bronwyn and the twins all looked over at me simultaneously.

"Come sit with us," Bronwyn asked, shifting closer to Claire to make space for me beside her. I happily took my place there, and four adorable things happened all at once. Claire hopped over to me and onto my lap, Bronwyn cuddled into my side, one of the twins shifted closer to my other side and I shifted Claire to one of my knees so the other twin could sit on my other knee. Alma smiled and continued reading out to everyone, acting as if this afternoon never happened.

A/N : Short chapter but I just wanted Barron's death to happen quickly because I don't like him. I also wanted to do something in the next chapter that requires it to be somewhat safer in the loop.

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