A "normal" day at the beach

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I was out on the beach and I decided to make the beach look prettier. I looked up to see something yellow splashing in the water. "oh cool" I quietly said to myself.

??? pov

I looked at the beach and saw a human but as I swam closer I saw her looking at me so I quickly dove underwater. "brother will be mad if he finds out I was here..." I slowly started to swim closer to the shore just to see if there were any purls. As I got closer I felt my tail get stuck on something. I tried to get it untangled but I just ended up getting it more tangled.

Your pov

I looked into the water then I saw something struggling I quickly swam out and that's when I saw a mermaid?! I quickly shook my head but he was still there. "help me please" "What's wrong? oh- here let me get your tail untangled." After I got his tail unstuck he thanked me "so what's your name?" "oh my name is Y/n- what's yours?" "sun" Me and sun talked for a while but when the sun started to go down I quickly told sun I needed to go then I ran home

(this is short I'm sorry this is my first book so I hope the chapters get longer and better)

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