History, i guess

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Lukas's POV

"Could I get a short summary of what happened here?"

"Sure. So basically-

I am currently in the middle of someone explaining what the hell did this place even form into. Basically, Katsuki, the main owner, decided to have their own bar built into this small district. His friends first started visiting and then more and more people started to stay. I still vividly remember how I came in here....

"Are you even listening to me?"
"Hmm? Oh crap, I'm so sorry. I gotta take my leave now, see ya."
"Uhh, sure. Bye."

Anyways, Let me tell you how it all happened. This, is my story.

"Damnit, there's no good place to stay at."
I was walking through the streets, rain pouring down on me. Then I saw a lonely little bar that felt different than all the other buildings. I entered in, and was immediately met with two people.
"Hello, new member."
This was a man named Zom, one of the main staff of this place. And then the Owner also greeted me.
"Hey, it's the Hourglass Dog!" He said.
"You know him?"
"Oh yeah, he's commented on some of my books!" "Ah. Well, enjoy your stay, my friend."
Well, this is gonna be an interesting day.

(By the way this is based on a server that Katsuki_Ch Made, so I'd really appreciate if you go looked at his stuff or at least join the server when invites are open.

Lukas's Bizarre Adventure Into The Katsu-Resto BarWhere stories live. Discover now