The eyes that stare at me chapter one

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I stared at the wall where eyes appeared and then all of a sudden I woke up I was used to having nightmares like these where it seems so real but it just didn't feel right and then I would wake up I was used to staring at the wall after I woke up with a type of eerie feeling like something was there even though there wasn't

Some people said that it was normal some people said it was weird but all I knew was that's how my life always started each day 'honey breakfast ready" I hear my mom screaming downstairs and I rushed down the stairs as I was saying "I'm coming' once I reach the the last step on the stairs I rushed to the kitchen cuz I was starving

"I made your favorite, pancakes with blueberries in it" "thank you Mom" I said she looked up at me and she could tell that something was off " what's wrong dear you are always very excited for a blueberry pancakes but something seems off with you today what's up" I could tell that my mom was worried and could tell that something was on my mind so I decided to answer the question instead of just staring at my pancakes

" Nothing really I just had one of those really weird dreams again I don't really know what to do about it I took melatonin like you told me to but it didn't really help me that much" "I'm sorry to hear that honey" my mom said as she continued cooking her pancakes I looked down at the pancakes and then all of a sudden I saw red eyes looking up at me where the blueberry should be screamed in horror

My mom whipped her head around and said " what is it honey is there a bug or something I can go get the fly squishy thing whatever you would call it" my mom rushed out of the kitchen to get the fly swatter and I told her " no need for that I'm really sorry I was just thinking of something and then for some reason I screamed" I could hear her voice from the hall as she started talking to me " honey you know what, never mind it's okay the school bus is almost here get ready" I scrambled upstairs to get my book bag

And I stared at the wall when I woke up that had eyes on it and stared at it for a while for some reason my eyes could not look away from the wall they were stuck there and then all of a sudden my mom snapped me out of it when she said " Jaden the bus is here you better hurry" I rush to get my backpack on like all of a sudden that just snapped me out of it for some reason I still don't quite understand it myself

All I know is how I start my mornings off is seeing those red demon eyes staring at me it's like I'm paralyzed I can't move I'm shaking then all of a sudden sometimes I can hear it whispering in my ear " what's the matter dear you've never seen yourself before" as it quickly vanishes away

I finally got into the school bus wondering if all of that was a dream or if it was actually real for some reason it felt fake my whole life would felt fake all of a sudden it all came back to me that life was real and everything when my friend Maxine sat beside me in the bus she started to stare at me like she knew something that I didn't and proceeded to ask me " hi what's up you seem off today you seem like you saw a ghost or something"

I look at her with a weird expression and I said" I guess you could say that I sort of did I had that weird dream again I just don't know what to do with it anymore I took melatonin I did everything that my mom told me to do but it still happened' now you need to go see a therapist girl you got to get some serious help" she said I looked back at her and I looked out the window I looked back and knotted at her and put my earbud back in

The reason why I didn't answer her was because I knew she was right and I wish she wasn't just wish my whole life would just slowly disappear but also I wish it didn't I loved my life it was just at night I seemed like I was terrified of going to bed that those eyes would reach out at me and kill me or something but I was looking back at something that looks so familiar

It's almost like the eyes represented me right when I thought that the bus all of a sudden jerked the guy started screaming all of a sudden like bloody murder I swear all the kids basically jumped out of their seats and started staring at the school bus driver he sat there screaming " oh my gosh those red demon eyes are going to kill me"

Right when he said that a froze my whole body couldn't move and I saw the eyes too I started having a panic attack I couldn't breathe I couldn't do anything all I could do was sit there and scream and scream and scream and hope my friend would notice something and thank Goodness she did she started shaking me and said "Jaden you need to snap out of this" I stared back at her I realized nothing was wrong the bus driver wasn't even screaming

Everyone was sitting down perfectly fine like nothing happened Maxine stared at me with a weird expression on her face I turned to her and said" what just happened didn't the bus driver start screaming bloody murder like he saw red eyes or something" Maxine slowly turned her head at me and said "no that was you" all of a sudden I felt like I was falling through a black hole

Like I couldn't breathe like I couldn't move like I couldn't do anything so scared this is going to be my life now was the demon eyes staring back at me what is happening I started screaming and crying and I could not stop Maxine just leaned over and hugged me and everyone stared at us I wish my life was over but it wasn't

The school bus finally stops at school I wish that I would have stopped at home me and Maxine got off of the bus and both stared at each other knowing that something was off about school the school looks different for some reason almost like it was an eerie feeling like something wasn't right me and Maxine went to class and everything was normal throughout the day nothing really happened that was that interesting

Finally made it home and I just sat there in bed wishing I didn't have to go to bed in a few hours wishing I hate going to bed I kept telling myself "I hate it I hate it I hate it" and finally I looked at the wall my eyes cannot move off of it I realize what was happening and all of a sudden the eyes popped up they were staring directly at me I couldn't move I couldn't do anything

I hope I prayed that my mom would call me down for dinner soon but then all of a sudden I can move my head and look at the clock it was 8:00 it was six just a few minutes ago what I thought in my head I could move around I got up and moved around my room I went downstairs so they came at the red eyes for gone

And every wall that I looked at there's a pair of red eyes staring at me I ran to the kitchen where my mom would be and she wasn't there I left her on my whole entire house and she was not there I started crying and screaming for someone just to hear me and help me but no one ever did I sat there for what felt like hours wishing and praying that someone would let me out of this

And finally the eyes it came from the wall and it looked just like me I wish to pray that it wasn't me it was a doppelganger of me stare directly at me and said " oh you poor little thing you're scared of your own self that's pretty low now isn't it" it was pacing around me I felt so worthless I felt like I don't even know the figure looks back at being said " welcome to your new life Jayden I hope you like it" right before the figure could reach out in my hand my mom screamed my name as loud as she could I heard it and finally I snapped out of it

I heard my mom rushing up the stairs and I was collecting my thoughts she reached out to me and said "oh my gosh Jaden are you okay I heard you screaming and crying I didn't know what to do I tried screaming your name as loud as I could but you didn't do anything I was screaming and screaming and screaming" I sat there and I realized what just happened

The doppelganger wanted me to be stuck in the walls like it was it wanted to replace me it wanted to be me from that day on I was so scared that my life would slip between my feet and I was going to figure out what the heck that was

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