The new kid chapter 2

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I remember waking up from that trance my mom is standing right there I remember staring at her with a type of weird feeling like it wasn't her everything that I knew felt like a lie like it wasn't real that all my friends at school wasn't real and my dad and my mom weren't real I went into a whole spiral of overthinking things

My mom stared at me and said "are you sure you're going to be okay honey"I look back at her and said "I'm not quite sure" "well I'll be downstairs with dinner you come down when you're ready okay" I looked back at her I told her "okay I will'  I sat there thinking of all that happened and I wanted to get to the bottom of this

After dinner I went to bed and did really nothing special like usual and once I woke up the red eyes on the wall with it actually is there I was very curious to why but also I was very very glad that I didn't have to deal with that today my alarm went off and I got out of bed to turn it off I sat there wondering why the figure said that how did it get into the walls and why am I the only one seeing it

Before I could answer it any one of those questions my mom burst down the door screaming my name " oh my gosh she did you okay Jaden Jaden can you hear me Jaden oh sweet baby I hope she's okay" "oh my gosh mom I am completely fine surprisingly it didn't happen today I don't know why but I am very glad and I don't want to get to the bottom of it right now so yeah" I told her that was a weird expression on my face she looks at me and nodded her head and just walked away

I thought they want to remind my mom didn't say anything else but also I didn't really care cuz I needed to get ready for school usually she wasn't that big about it I sat there wondering why she did that but also I needed to get ready for school so I stopped thinking about it I rushed my closet trying to find a pair of clothes and then I remembered " oh yeah we have school uniforms yay"

If you cannot tell by that I hate school uniforms with a very very big passion I finally got changed and got ready as usual usually my mom would scream my name by now but surprisingly she didn't I grabbed my book bag and rushed down the stairs right before I reached the last step I heard my mom talking to my dad "honey I'm really nervous about Jaden" my dad looked at her and said "I wouldn't worry about it too much maybe since it didn't happen today it won't have been tomorrow and then the next day I wouldn't worry about it too much honey it could be just all in her head"

I remember sitting on the last step and wondering if it was all in my head because I was the only one that was seeing it but it felt so real was my whole Life alive about this whole thing was I lying to all my friends I started overthinking everything I ever said I never did I guess you would say but also I still don't understand why I'm the only one seeing this am I going crazy

right what I said that if my head and my dad looked at me like he could tell what I was saying even though he couldn't hear it obviously he turned to me and said "good morning Jaden how is your day been so far" I turned to have one gave him a weird expression for some good reason and I told him " I'm actually pretty good but you're not school bus is about to be here I still need to get my shoes and eat breakfast so I'm sorry I can't chat"

To be honest I don't know why I said that but also I didn't want to go into a deep detail with my dad in the morning about the whole situation I rushed out the door and just sat there waiting for the bus to show up about 5 minutes later it did show up I rushed to the door the school bus driver opens the door and said ' good morning Jaden I hope you have a good day at school" I just stared at home with a blank expression on my face

And I took my regular seat you might be wondering / asking yourself why did you do that I'm glad you asked the reason why I was because it wasn't normal for the bus driver to ask me that or for my dad to be home he's been deployed for a while I sat in my seat wondering all of those things rushing through my head right when I got to the bottom maybe my dad's a doppelganger or maybe I am my best friend Maxine walk through the door

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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