Chapter viii - anticipation

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Draco paced back and forth in the Slytherin common room, checking the time every few seconds. He was nervous and excited all at once. He had sent the invitation to Ed Sheeran a few days ago, and he was hoping with all his heart that he would show up.

The party was all set up. He, Blaise and Pansy had worked all day to get everything in order. Speaking of his friends, they were still up in their rooms getting ready, and he could somehow hear the sound of their music and laughter echoing through the dorms. But Draco couldn't focus on anything else but the possibility of seeing Ed at the party.

To calm his nerves, Draco decided to pour some champagne in his cup. He was wearing the outfit that he had bought with Pansy the day before. He had felt so sure about it, but what if Ed didn't like the color black?

He took a sip of his drink.


The party was in full swing, and guests were starting to arrive. Crabbe, and Goyle greeted him warmly, but Draco could barely muster a smile in return. His mind was consumed with thoughts of Ed.

Just then, he saw a familiar face in the crowd. It was Dobby, who had arrived with his date, Winky. Draco's nerves kicked into overdrive as he tried to compose himself. He wanted to impress Winky, because he didn't want to embarrass Dobby.

"Dobby, Winky, so good to see you both," Draco said, greeting them warmly. "You look stunning, Winky."

Winky blushed and thanked him, and Dobby beamed with pride. "Thank you, Master Draco. We're so excited for the party. And we heard that Ed Sheeran might be coming? That's amazing!"

Draco's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Ed's name. "Yes, I hope he comes. I've been looking forward to seeing him all week," he admitted.

Dobby and Winky exchanged knowing glances, and Draco felt himself blush. He knew they could see right through him.

Just then, Harry arrived with his little Gryffindor friends. "Hey, Malfoy. Nice party," he said with a sarcastic smirk.

Draco gritted his teeth but forced a smile. "Thanks, Potter. Glad you could make it. See you're still wearing muggle clothes."

"What can I say? I'm a simple guy." Harry said with a wink and he walked away.

As the night wore on, Draco's anxiety only grew. He kept checking his watch, hoping that Ed would arrive soon. Finally, he heard a commotion at the door, and his heart leapt into his throat.

Ed Sheeran had arrived.

Enchanted Melodies🎶✨ (Draco Malfoy x Ed Sheeran)Where stories live. Discover now