The Begining

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Ragnor only wanted something better. A bigger farm a place where his crops would grow. A place close to the sea, a good Longship. Maybe two longships, Ragnor didn't want more than any other man.

He wanted to raid and bring back as much gold and silver as he could. Even decent trade goods. That would make him important. Then find someplace to settle, where his crops would grow. Where he and Bodil his wife, could raise many sons, even daughters.

Where he would be the ruler, where he couldn't be told, where to raid when to raid. Only getting a part of the take. Why should he give up, what he pillaged or found? Ragnor saw no sense in that. Maybe a little gold, enough to pay for his share of food and water. Nothing more than that.

Ragnor, watched as Bodil cleaned the fish and threw them on the hot coals. Ragnor smiled at each movement she made. He loved watching her backside. They have been together for over a year. Still no child, Ragnor was beginning to think. The Gods meant for them not to have children.

He poured a horn of wine and went back to his plans. For starting his raid. He could gather a few good men, even Shield Maidens. He knew that wouldn't be the problem. It would be getting that Earl to agree, to his plans.

Ragnor pushed that aside, they would just leave. Raid and the Ars Licker Earl could lick his ars. Bodil sat the large bowl of fish and boiled cabbage down. Bodil did make good cabbage she always poured pork fat over it.

Ragnor would have preferred turnips with garlic. Yet Bodil could cook, far better than his mother. Ragnor drank some Buttermilk. Reached over and grabbed both of Bodil's breasts. Laughing he pulled her close. "I should Hump you now! Wife, you can bring a bone on!"

"Not till you have your ale. Then my man can have his way with me!"

"Ragnor, Bodil, Hello in the house! It's me, Bjorn! May I enter?" Bodil smiled then threw her arms up. "Come in, Bjorn. Make yourself welcome and at home."

"Bodil get us mead, only the best for Bjorn. Get him some food!"

"Sit Bjorn, a bowl of cabbage and fish, with a horn of mead!
Eat enjoy my friend!"

"Ragnor, Bodil, I have thought over, your proposal. I have walked your land. I have found many good trees. To build two sturdy Longships, fit to travel the open sea. We can sail the open sea, we can raid where you, please! Both could be built before the spring thaw. This I am certain!"

"Build them, Bjorn, we shall be rich, you shall be one of my councilors. You shall raid with Ragnor and Bodil!"

Bodil raised her horn. "Skol!" Ragnor and Bjorn shouted. "Skol!"

"We must gather raiders, and leave before Spring. When the Fyord is just thawed. Bjorn this must be done, in secrecy. The Earl can not know."

"This shall be ares, the pillage will only be shared, by those that go! Bodil buttermilk please!"

The winter was harsh, yet good news did come. Bodil was with child. Ragnor was pleased yet, saddened, because Bodil could not go, this would endanger the child. Bodil could not endanger what could be life.

                         Some of the food they would of ate

Fish whether it fresh water or ocean, pork, beef, or wild game, such as bear. Fresh vegetables or pickled. Like cabbage turnips, garlic, wild greens, berries. Even fungi like mushrooms. They would of ate pickled or smoked fish, or pork, even beef.

The morning meal, was left overs from the night before, left over the fire in the cauldron. To stay warm. Normally some kind of stew. With some bread and either milk or buttermilk.

They made cheese and butter. They ate the curds, made boiled grains like oats or rye to eat. They ate better than most English surfs. Eating sometimes three even for times a day.

Those were usually the left overs from the lasts night meal. They drank ale or milk, buttermilk, mead, and wine.

During feasts they had roasted meat, an assortment of water fowl, fish and eggs. Along with what ever vegetables they had. They ate a wide variety foods, whether it was grown by them, or foraged for. Of course they ate more than most. Look at the envorment they lived in. It wasn't the warmest.

The winters were cold, food could be scarce, so pickeling and smoking saved the food. During the winter. Onions garlic turnips cabbage can all be pickled even mushrooms, berries.

Fish can even be pickled. Or dried to last through the winter. Sure most of us eat pickled onions, carrots, in some kind of appetizer tray with cheese maybe some kind of bread or American cracker. Yet think about eating that months on end.

Ragnor, didn't have an easy life. Between raids and the planting and harvest season. These were all planned out.
Because they had to survive through the next winter.

I ask you follow along, as Ragnor becomes the Skull Crusher and the Wizard or Death.

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