Mission with the wind user

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The start of the missions arc

After Rei finished getting her siblings settled into their room, she along with two of her students when to go made food for everyone... until Rei's crow came in squawking "Caw Kamado Rei mission with Sanemi Shinazugawa, rumors of few lower moons are in surrounding area in the Osaka region.Caw Caw."Rei nodded and said "Asuma, Noriko will you guys continue making dinner while I am out on a mission.".Asuma nodded and said "Yes Kamado-Sama.".Rei smiled and then started heading out she then said to Noriko "Tell my siblings that I won't be here until most likely mid afternoon."Noriko nodded and said "Hai Kamado-Sama".

When Rei finally reached the place she had to be at she looked around until she saw a male taller  than her with white hair and lavender eyes.He was wearing the demon slayer uniform, so Rei went up to hi and said "I suppose your Shinazugawa Sanemi?".The man stared at her and said "What is it to you?".Rei stared at him and said "I am your partner for the mission.Now hurry we have to investigate.".Rei hurried around asking people for information about what has been going on in the surrounding area.Many people keep on telling her that many merchants and travelers had been going missing in the dead of night along with some of the women in the village.Rei nodded and thanked them for the information, and went to go find Sanemi.

Rei found Sanemi already in a near by forest.Rei looked up to see it was already night.Rei faced Sanemi again and said "Most likely some low ranked demons or a lower moon."Shinazugawa rolled his eyes and said "Damn shut up will you.Don't you see I already figured that out.".Rei just stay silent and then started to look for the demons.While Rei was walking something jumped from behind her and yelled "Pathetic demon slayers, always trying to kill me.A woman too fufufufuf what a real treat for me.".Rei jumped back to avoid the low ranks claws and she smiled and said "Never underestimated your opponents or it will get you killed."The demon laughter again and said "Oh please your a gi-"The demon was cut of when it's head was on the ground rolling away from its body.Rei smiled and said "I didn't even just my breathing style, and I hope you'll rot in hell for a very long time.".Rei then walked away.

Rei was walking further into the forest until she heard multiple demons lashing out at her and tried to attack her.Rei took out her Nichirin blade and said "Moon breathing second form:Pearl flower moongazing."Rei quickly defended her self against the demons and Rei scoffed and said "I thought that demons weren't supposed to be working together, but oh well.".One of the demons said "A hashiras like should should be lucky to be in the presence of an moon.".Rei then said "No your not you don't have any kanji in your eyes that is how I know your lying."The demon roars and yelled "I will kill you.".Rei scoffed and then said "Moon breathing sixth form:Perpetual night, lowly moon -Incessant.".Rei then sent a wild barrage of crescent slashes towards the many demons leaving all of them with out their limbs and head.Rei then said "I rarely use that form you should be lucky.Oh well you all are going to die anyway.".Rei walked away from the massive yard of disintegrating bodies.

Once Rei caught up with Shinazugawa she saw he had another scar, and he had a slash on his arm.Rei then said "Sorry for the hold up I was jumped by like a dozen demon.Have you seen the lower moon.".Shinazugawa glared at her and said "That bastard ran before I could decapitate it."Rei nodded and said "What rank.".Shinazugawa then said "Lower moon three.".Rei nodded and said "Alright but let's make sure there is no more demon that are going to jump us.".

After killing the rest of the demon on the mountain, Rei turned to Shinazugawa and said "Your hungry?".Shinazugawa then said "Why the hell do you want to know that.".Rei shrugged her shoulder and said "I was going to get us food but oh well.".Shinazugawa then said "Who the hell said I wasn't hungry.".Rei nodded and said "Let's go find some food.".

After finding a small shop Rei went in and said "Um mister do you perhaps sell any food.".The old man nodded and said "Yes young miss, what do you need."Rei sigh and then dragged Shinazugawa into the shop and said "We need some food.".The man then said "What do you need?".Rei then said "I would like some daifuku if you have any."The old man nodded and said "Yes I made them fresh this morning and you young sir.".Shinazugawa then said "Do you have Ohagi?".The old man nodded and said "Ah yes I do young sir, will that be all.".Rei nodded, and then handed the old man six thousand yens, the old man looked in shock and said "Miss this is way more then is needed."Rei shook her head and said "This is tips and also this is a way lest then what I make in a month so here I can tell you need it.".The man nodded and Rei said "Also extra Ohagi please my friend is almost out of energy and this trying to get me to think that he isn't tired.".The older man nodded and went off into the back.Soon he came back with two plate on filled with Daifuku and the other with Ohagi.Rei bowed to him and said "I will get them.".The old man smiled and said "such a nice young woman.".Rei then took the plates from the man and then bring them to Shinazugawa.Shinazugawa looked at her in shock and said "You-".Rei then said "Oh quiet I know how ruff it is for the first few months it is being a demon slayer and you should be grateful that I got you more then you ask.If you can't finish them then save them for later.".

After the group finished eating and Rei helping the old man washing the dishes.The two left and walked out of the village then Shinazugawa said "I just want to know how were you able to give the man so much.".Rei then said "I'm rich that's how."Shinazugawa then said "How did you get your scar.".Rei shrugged her shoulder and said "Don't know I was born with it.Anyway I have to get back to my estate, so bye Shinazugawa-San.".Rei then said to leave when Shinazugawa said "Bye moon bastard.".Rei smiled and said "Hopefully we meet again.".

Taisho era secret 🤫 

-Shinazugawa secretly was happy when Rei got him more Ohagi.

-Author will try to keep the timeline the same but I can't promise anything.

-When Rei told Shinazugawa that she hoped to meet him again, he just look at her weirdly

-Moon bastard will be what Shinazugawa will call her.

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