Hashira meeting to seclusion

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First three paragraphs will not be angst but the rest will I am also sorry but I am not trying to make Kagaya as a villain but I realized I I would have messed the plot so much that my imagination would have gone flatline enjoy.

Rei was walking towards her estate, because she was tired and also sweaty, she also gotten stares from pass men and women but Rei didn't care much.Everything was fine until she saw her crow she just stared at Haiku and said "Another mission?".The crow then yelled "Caw!No Oyakata-Sama calls a hashira meeting.Caw!Caw!"Rei nodded started to head to the headquarters.Rei then thought 'I just want to sleep.Also a fresh pair of clothes.'.

Once Rei got to see the master estate.Rei saw Sanosuke, a Giyuu, and Sabito.Rei when but to the trio and then said "Welcome to the hashiras you three.".The trio turned there head to see Rei.Sanosuke then said "Wow Rei got a change of Uniform.".Rei nodded and said "First thing that I did after getting everything situated on my part.".Sabito then said "So how long ago did you become a hashira.".Rei shrugged her shoulders and said "Really after the first mission.".The trio looked in shock and then Giyuu said "How?That was over two years ago.".Rei just said "Lower moon five was weak nothing much, all she did was give me couple deep cuts and a shredded haori."Rei saw Tengen from a side glance, Rei turned to him and said "Yo Uzui!How is your wives?"Uzui then said "The most un-flamboyant person ever.".Rei shook her head and said "No that is the perverted Kakushi that work on the uniforms."Tengen thought a bit and said "Ya but your still un-flamboyant.Anyway how do you know the new hashiras.".Rei shrugged her shoulders and said "We trained together under the same teacher.".Tengen then said "So moon breathing is derived from water breathing?".Rei just said "That is a question that I can not answer you.".Rei then saw Gyomei Rei then said "Oh hello Himejima-San how have you been since the last time we spoke?".Gyomei nodded and said "Kamado it is nice to talk to you again.".Tengen dramatically gasped and said "You how other people respected but me the go-"Rei cut him off by saying "You may be taller.I may be 4'11 but I will beat you god damn ass if you mention anything about being a god again.I did not get any sleep tonight cause I was on my way back from a mission where I had to go into a forest filled with dozens of demons, with a lower rank demon slayer.So I tell you this I don't care who you are right now."

(Author note: I also act very crappy to other people when I don't get enough sleep.So Rei's snapping at Tengen is base on how I act when I don't get enough sleep.)

Then the last hashira came was Kanae.Rei took several deep breaths and then turned to Kanae and said "Kanae-San how are you?".Kanae smiled and said "I am good and how are you?I heard you yelling a Uzui-San.".Rei then said "I am tired from a mission I just finished and also from Uzui's Bullshit.".Sanosuke then said "Rei you ranting again.".Kanae look at the two and said "You know each other?".Rei nodded and said "I met her when I was seven.It was the day I started taking Kendo classes, in my village."Kanae nodded and said "Kamado I never heard you talking about your home life what was it like.".Rei nodded and said "It was nice or the most calming time in my life.I had five siblings, nice mother and father.My family was coal burners.Somehow I felt unhappy with the way I was living my life then like something was missing.Somehow the void in my life was filled a little when I started Kendo classes, but it was still there.The most it was filled before becoming a demon slayer when I was training the adrenaline coursing through my veins.I feel like I am useful while I slay demons and the void in my chest is truly filled.".Tengen then said "Was your ancestors samurais or something or some work in the fields of fighting brings you purpose."Rei the said "Not that I know of.".

When the Leader of the demon slayer corps came, the curse had started and was visible in the right of his forehead.He smiled and said "Hello my children it is a lovely day isn't it.".Rei nodded and said "It is Oyakate-Sama.".Kagaya then said "Kamado I can tell your tired aren't you.".Rei nodded and said "It is not that bad thought I can made it through the meeting.".Kagaya nodded and then said "Alright but I need to speak to you privately after the meeting.".Rei nodded and said "Hai Oyakata-Sama."

After the meeting was over the other hashiras started to leave but Rei stayed behind and still kneeled before Kagaya.Rei then said after the last hashira left "Oyalata-Sama why do you need to speak to me in private.".Kagaya then cleared his throat and said "I know that you have your siblings at your estate but they must go back to their home.They are need there.".Rei looked up at him and said "But if I do then Kibutsuji would be after them.".Kagaya looked intrigued and said "How so?Please enlighten me about why Kibutsuji would be after your family.".Rei let out a shaking breath and said "Cause my family knows where the blue spider lily is and also know how to preform Sun breathing.".Kagaya nodded but said "Though still I am sorry but if you keep you siblings here then the chance of Kibutsuji would win in his favor.".Rei looked down and said "Your telling me my siblings are only cannon fodder?".Kagaya shook his head and said "No two of your siblings will survive this tragedy.One would be a demon and the other will be on the path to become a demon slayer to find a cure for the demon turned sibling.".Rei stood up and then said through the gritted teeth "No way in hell I will let my siblings suffer that fate I would rather die than do that."Kagaya then said "It is not up for decision anymore I already send the Kakushi to escort them back to their village.To ensure that you won't try to get to them you will be forced into a seclusion until the event already happen.".Rei shock beyond anything else before.She was escorted instead of her estate she was brought to a small house.The house was surrounded by wisteria but around the wisteria was gates.

Rei was had walked a few steps in and she heard the gates close behind her.Rei finally snapped back to reality, she fell onto the ground and started to sob knowing her siblings fates.It felt like hours when Rei finally stoped sobbing, she walked towards the small house.She walked into the house to see that is a just like her childhood home of not more smaller.She found a white kimono in her now until how long bedroom.

Rei just stared at the sky from the window of her bedroom for the rest of the day.

Taisho era secret 🤫 

-After Rei was sent into seclusion Kagaya told the hashiras that she had a metal fit at a large scale.

-Sabito will most likely die even thought I don't want do but I need emo Giyuu back.

-If anyone wondered where was Makomo, She found a nice guy in the demon slayer.

-The Kamados sibling would ended up forgetting Rei just for more angst.

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